
@grantanamo: I'd say games like Flight Control, TouchGrind, MotionX Poker, and Trism are unique enough to forward the potential of the platofrm. But yes, I do agree that there are quite a ton of rehashes exploiting publisher's slowness in adopting the system.

The plot summary sounds a bit like GTA: San Andreas, but with the Cholos instead of the Orange Grove Families.

@TuxBobble: That's a pretty good analogy, considering 91% is generally an A- and 95% is generally an A.

I think a more fitting theme for number 3 would be "gaming PC".

I'm kinda excited to find out who won the Ratchet and Clank weapon designing contest. Someone I know got an entry into the final list, and I hope his entry wins. They're announcing that here right?

@Log1c: That sounds awesome! Like the LEDs light in turn, so it's like one light moving back and forth? That sounds moddable, someone should do that.

@Skunky: Haha yeah I remember that. Fun stuff.

@(Zombie) Goldwings: I remember that game too, but I also remember it being relatively innocent. I was young and impressionable back then, and probably would've remembered if it were so vulgar.

@Sutekh_Slain: Yeah I don't think I could play this haha. I'm guilty of adding people I've only just met or who aren't my close friends, so it'd be difficult.

@tehdorkz: There are a lot like that, especially with the quiz app, hence I called it the typical Facebook faire.

@tehdorkz: The game itself does not seem especially outstanding, just the typical "do you know your friends?" Facebook faire, so I guess talking about social networking is more compelling.

@tehdorkz: Yeah, I definitely see and agree with what you are saying. We just need to find a balance between personal interaction and online networking.

@tehdorkz: Personally, I enjoy this integration. I've allowed Facebook to become a useful tool with which to go about life, and adding other sites and functionality linked to it just makes it all that more useful.

@joneez is wearing green for FOTA: The Cold War ended, and I guess we didn't feel as much of a struggle or need to advance rapidly, so we kinda... laid back.

@brandegee: Yeah, it'd be like putting on a pair of glasses for the first time, huh, with all that stunning clarity and color and all. I didn't know they took pictures that high quality back then, considering all the newspaper/media pictures I see from that time are fuzzy and grainy.

After all these years, Madden games still haven't reached that next-gen target video they released a while back. It was quite ambitious though, so I'm not surprised.

@pres: Well, we've got a space station, guess that's something right?