
By gum, so they did (according to their take on the situation). If that's the case, then I retract my one hand. Other hand stands firm.

On one hand, dude should've let Delta know what was going on before boarding, because otherwise they're looking at their list of who's checked in, they're not seeing Teen Son's name, and so they (correctly) think he's not there, time to release the seat (also correctly). Schear put them in a bad spot where a simple

@Henry Krinkle's a boring ol' bitty!

Wow I hadn't realized that was Demme as the director. Very weird coincidence indeed.

I thought they were killed during the invasion of Party Pier!

Eh, they're no Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooteres

Leaves of four, eat some more!

I love the sexy slither of a lady snake.


Wow this is, uh…this is a black day for baseball.

I feel like Shane should count for two since he has probably the best Stunner sell of all time:

Bring back Junkyard Wars imo. That's a show totally ready to be rebooted.

Psh, these are all crazy and foolish theories.

Caught Mr. Burns here in D.C. because I like The Simpsons and I like plays, and I liked this Simpsons-infused play. The build from the initial premise, survivors reciting Simpsons quotes, to the third act was great, although I agree with others that the second act could've used some trimming. But man, that finale!

I F___ing Love Taking Work From Other People and Reposting It Without Proper Credit

Yeah, but how often do those raccoons aim unfeasibly large guns at you?

I should put you away where you can't kill or maim us
But this is L.A., and you're rich and faaaaaaaaaamoussssss!

Who will come and live a life devoted to chastity, abstinence, and a flavorless mush I call "rootmarm"?

"Keep your voices down boys; we didn't come this far to get found out."

"Homer! Come quick! Bart's quit his tutoring job and joined a violence gang!"