
Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase
The Simpsons have been in an incline since around Season 18 I think. An averaging of episode ratings by fans for each season tends to show this as well (incidentally, season 6 is the highest rated season).

Bruce Springsteen' "Nebraska"

I find it amusing that Lisa, having danced around the chopping block another week, always promises the judges that they "won't be disappointed" or some sort of variation therein, only to disappoint the hell out of them the week after.
Look, the title is "Top Chef" and she's won precisely one challenge

I think the joke was that, while songs from the first wave of rock and roll, like Johnny B. Goode, were, you know, just on the horizon for, maybe not those precocious high schoolers but definitely the freshmen and sophmores. It's not the beginning of rock and roll, but you could see it from there.
On the other hand,

That's Them?
Wow, they look like respectable adults now. How disappointing.

No Explanation Necessary
I like how he has to explain that the verbal diarrea coming out of his mouth are meant to be jokes.
"Guys, guys, I didn't actually kiss Sean Penn. It's a joke! I made a funny! Get it?"
If you want to see a good RnRHoF induction speech, watch Springsteen's induction of U2. Now that is an