You’re right. I was overly harsh. I don’t know you or if you are a piece of shit, but I think that your opinion regarding this was shitty. The cop, however, is still a piece of shit.
You’re right. I was overly harsh. I don’t know you or if you are a piece of shit, but I think that your opinion regarding this was shitty. The cop, however, is still a piece of shit.
Well, I stand corrected. Please carry on then.
Let me guess - you’re a cop or someone in your immediate family is a cop. Am I right?
the officials shit the bed by ejecting Ramsay. His initial push was not worth of an ejection. After that he seemed to be holding on for dear life. NFL refs need to take a lesson from their NHL brethren on how to handle fighting.
she “hit” him with the force equivalent to a kitten batting around a toy mouse. He was not hurt, he was pissed off. He was not in danger, he was embarrassed. He is a piece of shit and so are you.
this is too good to be true.
Even Eric Esch agrees with this.....
Jesus, how is it possible that someone this idiotic can get a radio show?
sadly, this is true. Not only must a coach be bilingual, but the unwritten rule is that the Montreal brass wants a Francophone coach behind the bench.
fans don’t steal teams. Owners steal taxpayers money, and then they capriciously move teams.
this is good shit.
this is grrrrreat!
Gord can shoot some stick.
she was a child.
Hard boiled eggs pro tip: they are awesome with a little shot of Soya Sauce.
That video is extremely unsettling.
i would also have accepted Buddy Ryan.
there are a lot of reasons to hate the Cowboys. He is number one by a wide margin. I say this as a Cowboys fan.
An artist who proclaims that Picasso is artistically untalented. Pretty ballsy. I would love to see some of YOUR work.