
Not a surprise. This is the party that has consistently shown their hypocritical faces. They no more care about law and order or our democracy than they wish to walk to the moon. Vote Democratic and hold everyone accountable.

Go Meg Thee Stallion and yes Tamika Mallory’s comments were spot on, this guy did not represent the interests of justice for Breonna Taylor, really could have cared less about her. His main goal was to follow the directive of his handlers, appease the public with a relatively innocuous charge against a throw-away-cop.

A pregnant Black woman is carrying a Black child, another “enemy” of an evil white supremacist.  I pray that Mom and baby are well.

Have this pair of clowns been disbarred yet!

Evil bastard, let’s hope there is a quick conviction then Bo Leggs and Abdullah can minister to him.

Good, now rather than sticking your nose in LeBron’s business, LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva, you will now put your attention where it belonged, informing and training members of your department of this new law and arresting them if they share pictures of accident victims in the future. To think members of law

Yeah Judge, give me time to erase and alter some stuff before the public sees proof of what they know, I’m a coward and sellout apologist to the GOP older white fathers.

So very sorry for you loss. May God heal your bodies, hearts and spirits.

Michael Frederick Jr. should have been charged with attempted murder, shooting into a dwelling! Seems there are always “lesser charges” when the suspect is white and the victim Black of POC. Be that as it may, I will feel better when he is convicted and sentenced to a long 20 year stint in prison. I will feel better

The voter must be educated on the language of the proposal. We all know how these proposals are worded to where I for one, did not really understand them. But that crap needs to go, and majority should rule. We don’t need the presidential electoral college; each time it came into play, a Republican became president.

Congratulations, Yamiche, much deserved!!!  You are da bomb!

I guess the next outrageous claim of Sheskey will be he thought Mr. Blake was an alien. Dude needs to go straight to jail and his pension stripped.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. If memory serves me, Scurlock shot this young man as a group was filing past or in front of his bar, and he claimed the group was trying to break into his place. He knew he was lying then, but like others during this Trump lawless, tactless error, he felt comfortable executing someone

The bigot, racist, and homophobic Amy Grant is outed!  Remember that when you (and you must) VOTE!

Too disgusting for words, Trump is the personification of a demon.

Pure evil

The systemic disparities will not be addressed by our governments without protest. For all we know, the mentality of some in power, like Trump, is the virus is doing their bidding for them, Blacks and others of color may not support them anyway, so why worry about keeping them alive. This is a sort of “natural

Just tweeted them made it pretty clear my family will no longer support them if they won’t be fair.

The LA County sheriff, Alex Villaneuva, is a hypocrite and a piece of —— for thinking he has the right to tell LeBron or anybody else what they are to do with their money, or what causes they are to support. The shooting of those deputies was a tragedy, but do your job, sheriff, and find the shooter and stay out of

Mad love for this strong brother, John Boyega!