
Counterpoint: Male ducks are serial rapists with barbed, corkscrew shaped wangs. Haven’t been able to get happy about mallards since finding that out and NEITHER WILL YOU!

Yes, but my point is this will also cause them to over-correct. They’ll chase the cars with better sales numbers irrelevant of what the market actually wants because there’s no correction for minority buyers choice. Of course you’re never going to see manuals in the 40-60% range again, but dealers seeing it at 10%

It’s anecdotal but not true here. Hell I’ve wanted to try the Accord 2.0 manual for a long time and every damn time my local dealer get’s one it’s sold before I even get there. What’s funny is the 1.5's do sit longer, implying to me the dealer is still (wrongly) trying to play the “manual as a stripper model” card and

Frankly this supports my hypothesis: Dealers are a main driver of the manual apocalypse. The feedback loop of:

Any word on an SI hatch? And related is closing the UK hatch factory going to kill the hatch completely?

GTI is better for a few years. Then it falls apart and is worth less than a riding lawnmower. So yes. GTI if you’re going to lease or change up every 2-4 years. Civic SI if you’re keeeping it. 

Me looking to see this get knocked off of #1 in it’s second weekend.

There’s been a few rumblings that certain parties are pushing for a USN version of the Attack/Barracuda subs Australia and France are building. Highly unlikely but it at least show there’s some pushback against the all nuke sub force that makes it impossible for them to procure the numbers we need. The AIP boats

You’ll need to round that out with This Island Earth. I suggest watching it in normal view.

We’ve diverged to the Corvette mate, read the thread. 

The market’s on your side that’s for sure but anyway...

Wasn’t all bad. I firmly believe the best looking Corvette was ‘73. Market says I’m wrong but fack em’.

I think it’s fun! Muscle cars changed almost every year back in the “golden years”. This modern stagnation (aka Challenger) is the real fluke.  

I mean, they’re all going to be leased.

See this BMW? This is your window to glory closing. You have an in-production mid-motored EV drivetrain that could be turned into a badass little roadster and you built a city car out of it. So instead of this article reading “Porsche finally going to take on iZ3" they’re going to be the only game in town. 

We’ll take every opportunity to introduce them to Ecosport and Escape

Eh, I love blaming the congressional GOPers. They are a bunch of bad faith, billionaire sucking morons. But there’s a ton of blame to go around on this. Particularly the LCS program should have had whistleblowers out the wazoo for such a useless vessel. The fact that there were/are none implies to me there’s been

BuShips has SUCKED for over a decade and it’s finally catching up with us. Just a classic revolving door contractor cash pinata. We’ve ended up with a bunch of useless LCS’. Three hugely expensive, virtually unarmed tech demo’s. A carrier that cannot yet carrier. And finally a warmed-over 30 year old DDG.

Gimmick. This is some Tehran level bullshit right here. Reminds me of the Landmaster.