
When I first saw Drive, I compared it to first hearing The Strokes: It may not be the best movie/band I ever saw/heard, but goddamn, it was the coolest.

They just did a new transfer of this that they were carting around to the art houses. It's stupidly gorgeous, the best Technicolor transfer/fix I've seen in a good long while. And the 5.1 mix is HUGE, this ending had the seats shaking. Or maybe that was just me, sobbing uncontrollably. In any case, no announcement of

Thanks for writing this. My frequent retort has always been: "You know what I find unbelievable and slightly gay? Strong dudes in tights wrestling other strong dudes and tights." And I love suoerheroes as much as I love musicals. Unfortunately, one currently has a stigma that the other shared just ten years ago

@avclub-937936029af671cf479fa893db91cbdd:disqus In response to "THIS is why I love musicals.  It's such a shame that most of the public
associates musicals with [EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER SEEN], because this is
NOTHING like that."

Altman-esque, dude. Altman-esque.

Oh man, so good I went through it three times, trying to mentally track the beats.

False. The most exciting thing for theater nerds was the movie with the Tony Kushner script.

False. The most exciting thing for theater nerds was the movie with the Tony Kushner script.

Seconded @avclub-77ae1a5da3b68dc65a9d1648242a29a7:disqus. Someone's really gotta write a great book about Dr. Luke, Max Martin, and the rest of those guys. I'd probably be really boring ("and so I woke up one day and decided to write myself a swimming pool"), but really fascinating too, ya know?

Seconded @avclub-77ae1a5da3b68dc65a9d1648242a29a7:disqus. Someone's really gotta write a great book about Dr. Luke, Max Martin, and the rest of those guys. I'd probably be really boring ("and so I woke up one day and decided to write myself a swimming pool"), but really fascinating too, ya know?

Seconded. I go to Pitchfork for their voice and opinion. By now, I know exactly what I'm getting, and I can gauge for that.

Seconded. I go to Pitchfork for their voice and opinion. By now, I know exactly what I'm getting, and I can gauge for that.

Okay, you win.

Okay, you win.

Aaand there it is, folks, the AV Club becomes Reddit.

Aaand there it is, folks, the AV Club becomes Reddit.