It’s just possible that
It’s just possible that
the MLB postseason is a cruel, brutal slog where a 3-game stretch of fuckups in one aspect of the game can cause you to want to jump off a bridge.
Such a fine line between disrespecting the flag and the flag disrespecting you.
...and it’s former 28-year-old rookie Brandon Weeden...
The Cubs have been doing this for a few months, but with better props.
The more things move away from the 1995-2015 Yankees the more I am convinced that Derek Jeter is a massive asshole and collective wet blanket.
Some history: once upon a time, opiates were prescribed when necessary and appropriate. There were always a few “bad apples”, including both prescribers and patients. Then the long duration versions, such as Oxycontin, came out. This was hyped and pushed by the company to the point where the Federal Government also…
You could say he was............
How many of us old time Deadspinners took a quick glance at that picture before reading the name and thought, “Man, Leitch has really let himself go.”?
Jeez Jon, lighten up. I guess that’s just nacho bag, baby.
For some reason the fact it ricocheted off his dick to get him in the thigh disturbs me so much ...
Why are you assuming he has a dick?
I like Wednesdays...and I don’t think that caught him in the dick - I think it’s the thigh
he’s a fucking knob.
Josh Donaldson is good at baseball and I’m pretty sure I’d never want to have a conversation with or be around him.
If I’m David Ross, I’m covering my dick and balls non-stop for the next few hours.
This is a prime number one reason to outlaw all guns. All. Of. Them. Technology has made the Second Amendment obsolete. End it.
2010 still hurts. Cody fucking Ross...
I remember the Giant (one season) great Billy Swift. One time holder of the ‘most ground outs in a game’ record. Also the best pitcher the University of Maine ever produced.