Try curried okra, or okra stuffed with spices (both are things in Indian cuisine).
Try curried okra, or okra stuffed with spices (both are things in Indian cuisine).
Who the hell is in charge of the Deadbirds, Matheny or this twit? God, I hate Molina so much; so freaking conceited.
My personal name for him is Dreamboat.
This. This is why I can’t stand the guy, and I don’t even really care or follow tennis that closely.
LOL, as a native Rochesterian I am tickled pink by the thought of Wegmans being the indicator of “coastal elite”.
+1 Car Talk end credits
LOL! Thanks, that actually improved my mood a lot. :-)
I could have seen 6 Cubs WS wins back to back in my life and still been pissed at Turner’s humiliating one of my favorite pitchers on the basepaths. I know it’s nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I don’t like that it destabilized my team to the point someone got freaking DFA’ed.
They picked him off at first last night, so maybe he wanted a little revenge
I hated that tweet by Jake too, but you might want to read this:
Ah, the irony of this commercial (in hindsight):
I would say no, but you should probably take my rec with a grain of salt as I am an Orioles fan who now hates his guts.
LOL, you say bland, I say soothing. To each their own.
See, I have a soft spot for his dweebness. :-)
Never got to hear Pat and Ron (don’t live in Chicago) so I cannot speak to that. As to Len and Bob not doing enough I have to say I didn’t notice that when they were a team.
Why the hate for Len? Lots of us Cubs fans love the dude.
WHY DOES ESPN LIKE THIS GUY’S VOICE?!?? Just thinking about it makes me want to smash things; it sounds like he’s doing a vocal equivalent of spinning tires in mud or sand or something. UGH.
I hate to tell you, but he already named his son Ace.
LOL, thanks! I’m all for time saving in the kitchen but not at the expense of the taste of the food. Some things just don’t have a shortcut.