
Talk about your narrow transcriptions... ;-)

Dude, two Buffalonians started it so they could have a taste of home. It wasn’t exactly the spawn of corporate test-tube thinking or whatever. Even in Western NY they do good business. Doesn’t mean Duff’s or Anchor Bar are in any danger of going under.

All due respect, it’s pretty good to live in Rochester.

That show was the best. RIP Jennifer and Clarissa...

+1 for the Wegmans love

The City of Rochester would like to have a word with you, dumbass.

DIAFF. It’s the goddamned truth that our property taxes are the highest in the state so you pisspots can live on Easy Street. You’ve been bleeding us dry for years.

Atlanta delendum est.

I worship the ground he walks on. No snark.

OMG FINALLY someone agrees with me about cucumbers. I hate those things, even pickled.

Yeah...sometimes there’s just too much raw onion on a sandwich or burger. Sometimes onions just need to be tamed a little. Pickling is a nice way to do it as long as the vinegar isn’t too strong.

I know at least 3-4 people who are level-headed responsible citizens who cannot abide onions in any form. It happens.

Nope. Not this time.

The sweetest part is knowing my Cubs shelled that d-bag Wainwright. Seeing him fail so hard is the best.

Would you happen to be Mr. Aaron Rowand, by any chance?

I wanted to link the “Boo Teixeira” performance from YouTube but—-IT’S GONE! WTH?

Not fat, but he’s definitely got wide hips and a pretty big tuchus...

I’ve thought the same thing sometimes, and I can only theorize that approaching the prone batter might be construed somehow as an aggressive move on the pitcher’s part (like when a hit batter charges the mound?). Or maybe the pitcher’s team would be upset with the pitcher for showing that much concern over hitting the

LOL, I doubt anyone’s gonna sell a full-sized pipe organ on Craigslist, but there are actual smaller pipe organs that could fit into a house!