Guestosaurus Rex

Typical left-wing Gawker blog. We can’t just call it Christmas color blindness anymore, guys??

I love the idea that he wasn’t supposed to call the police on people about to endanger those around them.

Yep, it’s called taxis, uber or friend. You just pulled Pinkham’s law. Congrats.

I might not like his videos much, because i don’t play most of those games, but those are all valid points that he brings up in his article.

Thanks for the heads-up! Started following her just for that.

Seems like we might get another gem tomorrow!

I have no idea what I just read, but that was captivating AF.

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

Good luck with the pachinko machines, Konami.

Now playing

Alanis, here is a YouTube version in case Sanders removes it.

“Without [...] EA.”

hey kotaku. what is this new shitty video player you got. its playing your video and it buffers like shit. not every reader has google internet here. keep using youtube so your readers can choose their own video quality....

Tough Luck; Don’t Resuscitate. A quick google would have yielded the answer.

“It’s important to keep every workplace drug-free. You don’t want people on drugs running the fryer at McDonalds.”

Well, Kotaku doesn’t have a “general stance” on anything other than “we love video games and the people who play them.” Each writer and editor has his or her own opinions on the industry, culture, etc. My personal opinion, as I tried to convey above, is that this stuff is nuanced, and that if a company is going to

Yeah, but...don’t be a dick.

I am looking to hire cooks and waitstaff for my newest restaurant - Punchie’s This Is How We Serve It.

This ^^ I would probably buy them all. They can just get new skaters/music, and re-hash the classic levels.

The THPS is something I always looked forward to, for some basic/no-brains fun.