Looks fantastic. I see a lot of Mazda 6 in that design.
My anedcdotal evidence lines up with this as well. I had an R56 JustaCooper for about four years, and every out-of-warranty repair landed just around $1,200 (at a good, independent BMW mechanic). After three of those in a year, I’d had enough. I absolutely loved driving that car - particularly the heavy, ultra-direct…
The interiors are nice, but their reliability is pretty bad. My father in law has had two, and the A/C died on both, both had supercharger problems, electrical gremlins, and the clutches are way too heavy (maybe that’s been fixed in newer models?). You get BMW-priced maintenance as well, which is no fun.
WRX Limited money, so $33-35,000.
Looks gold and white to me
We just need to get rid of these damn levers! It’s a damn automatic, just put a few buttons and give is more storage space.
There {cat turd} is, sinking into the warming whipped cream, dispersing its vile ruin throughout, and basically trying to wreck the entire experience for you.
I am a really heavy Waze user- I think I’m like #900 in my state. The day I can selectively remove only “Vehicle Stopped on Shoulder” is the day I will consider Waze to be all grown up. So many little things make it just not quite perfect.
In order for speed hole to work, one must remove the pickaxe afterwards. Amateurs!
Someone had to sell used cars....
“There is no problem with the V6 tdi. We can go about our business. Move along.”
Or how about a 240Hp hardtop Miata for 18,500$? Totally realistic no?
Congratulations! You are officially That Guy today, November 3rd 2015.
Doesn’t matter which one you take home; they both look great, and someone in the comments will eventually complain that Mazda should have either a) added power, b) made a hardtop, or c) made some mythical sub-$20,000 trim so that they could say they’d buy it used in ten years, but end up getting a midsize sedan in the…
Windshields are very much rated properly thank you.
RIP Pending Approval