9.) Global Air Travel
35 mph with spoiler... but probably only 30 without.
A cheap Porsche is the most expensive car you’ll ever own.
He’s really let himself go.
But the Tesla goes to 11 !!!
Graverobber, I think you meant to enter this into yesterday’s question on what’s the most overpriced craigslist car listing.
Have a bottle of water and stick it in.... a cup holder?
Or if $kaycog could post two pictures today, all could be forgiven.
“What it is is the world’s first SU-vertible, a part-SUV, part-convertible that’s supposed to be just as comfortable driving to the beach as it is tackling rough roads.”
I believe that American has joined Delta in this now.
Yes, someone should help with that strap over her right shoulder.
Always a Mustang driver... and I say that as one of them.
I hope my F-150 repair after rear-ending some idiot in a new Miata isn’t this bad!