the right pedal

If that doesn’t scream police state I don’t know what does.

The fact that this is parked at a Community Center is especially insidious....

Aside from CV joints, the things were bulletproof. Also, the spare up front was a nice conversational piece.

Now playing

What I’d love to see in person is ice sprint car racing, that looks absolutely insane.

Compared to a 50 year old charger, literally anything made new today is going to handle amazing. 

You ever see a take that’s just so insane, so completely removed from reality that you’re almost completely dumbfounded and unable to respond?


Please let it be DeSantis Please let it be DeSantis Please let it be DeSantis.

Here’s an idea - stop with this DRL BS and just use the freaking low beam lights and taillights that are already there are the DRL. Car in drive? lights are on. End of story.

Now if only their lights could be activated automatically with the wipers, as well. The number of cars I run up on through heavy rain/mist/fog/snow without their taillights on is staggering. If we can’t agree to have rear foglights and use them correctly, we should at least get headlights/taillights on.

Wouldn’t the grass at the edge of the school fields count as “off road”? That is as far off-road as this sort of thing generally gets in the US.

Nailed it on the throw out bearing and the mounts. Good work.

So body-cam footage of this rescue by officers is officially released within 24hours but body-cam footage of officers breaking the law takes 18months and/or an act of congress to make it out?

The Danes do stuff too.

Is it additive so could you pay someone in coinage of 40+25+10+5+.25 for a total of 80.25 Canabucks?

Can you imagine being so bad at predicting the market (that is literally your business) that you buy a commodity when it’s already “bubbled?” They deserve it. Carpet baggers.

This is the correct answer. I have always loved their plates. 

Hasn’t this been covered to death here? Since you’re new to the States i guess we can give you a pass. And the answer is, and always will be, New Mexico.

hands down, this is the best license plate in the history of ever.

Roadway reflectivity, and the standard of our road markings in general, is why anyone who thinks full self-driving will arrive in America in our lifetime is out of their mind. There are structural reasons for some of that (snowplows) but most of that is down to our allergy to spending money on public-works upkeep.