Susana Sanchez-Young

So the likely culprit is that Bill’s speech went on so long that photogs couldnt get an actual pic of Hilldog reacting to the news before the deadline?

You have a point, but it’s not like there aren’t any photos of her available.

Honestly, I'm quite shocked that someone with zero government experience and a terrible track record is considered by anyone to be a better candidate than someone with years of experience and who's seen first hand what the job entails. But sexism is still rife

This was my thought as well. There are probably editors who didn’t want to use a photo of HRC because she didn’t speak at the convention, and therefore isn’t “the news” of the day.

I was a print designer for more than a decade, and you make a good point about photo editors. I’ve worked places where the photo editor has absolute power over which photos run, and my protestations that they didn’t fit the story were overruled because “this is the best photo.” Sometimes the best photo isn’t the best

As a graphic designer, and as someone who’ll be voting for Hillary in November (albeit somewhat grudgingly), this poster is AMAZING and I love it.