I just love that with the picture zoomed in, it looks like the map is posted on an index card, and being held by a doll’s hand.
I just love that with the picture zoomed in, it looks like the map is posted on an index card, and being held by a doll’s hand.
I’m picturing you just refreshing Deadspin every ten minutes waiting for this entry to come up, probably while furiously (angrily?) masturbating nonstop.
If it’s Gronk, I think I might judge you even more.
Please tell me this is the last of the ‘Why Your Team Sucks’ articles for 2019.
Even after you said it was Ed Begley, Jr, I kept trying to reconcile that picture as Dr. Steve Bruhle. For like, ten minutes.
This is an NRA fever dream put to fil which is at first blush hilarious.... and scarily there will be people who lap it up as “prescient” (assuming they can spell that) and model their lives and eventual mass shootings on it.
I had honestly forgotten that Morgan Spurlock was an existing being.
I’d make a completely-uncalled-for “beef” joke, but we all know that’s not going to be involved in that pairing.
I’m guessing Woody is working on a movie that needs a strong lead character that is an Asian/Hispanic/Black half cyborg, half-trans-man, and this is just a precursor to her nailing the part.
Do you recall me defending Chicago, or merely mentioning I lived there?
You think that’s bad? Steve Bannon is only 22. ;)
Oh I believe it in the PNW. Hell Oregon was founded on the promise of being a White Utopia. I can’t imagine how that could possibly draw the racists into those areas. /Huge Sarcasm
Oh lord. I cannot help but laugh at the “Moon Pie as Sign of Racist Intrusion” because it is so goddamned on point. Have your star.
Oh, trust me, I’m not defending Chicago (didn’t grow up here, not my fault, etc etc whatever.... I’m honestly trying to get out of here asap), just giving context to knowing what it’s like to go through that area and see.... well....
Oh very true; I grew up in Texas, I’ve definitely seen racist put on full-blast. And yeah, you can definitely tell when you’re within spitting distance of Missouri.
As someone who lives in Chicago and has to travel through the middle of the state semi-regularly, lemme tell ya: the Confederacy may not be their “culture” but the racism and general xenophobia? Cultural as fuck.
Hey now, the acceptance is for him and him only, not people with more melanin.
We get the Kicks instead of this. Christ. “The one interesting thing in our current or upcoming lineup? Oh no... we have the blandest thing possible for you guys.”
To any host (or future guest) of The View that may be reading, if I may, I would like to offer a simple, truth-based reply to Ms. McCain at any point when she goes off on her rancid bullshit:
Maybe instead of a boxing ring, it can just be a pit of tigers?