They ARE a horror movie.
They ARE a horror movie.
Starred for truth.
The obviously-leering shopkeeper with a peanut butter/chocolate/western shirt/who-the-hell-knows fetish really sells the whole thing, though.
Oh no, I know. San Francisco, especially is just a non-starter for a whole host of reasons (“public poop patrol” being one of the non-financial ones); but for everything I read about other cities, the situation here is just so incredibly brazen...
Hahahaha, right? I mean, there’s something to be said for the sheer ballsiness of the grift and how out-in-the-open it is, but goddamn, the whole thing in general is just a huge middle finger to the people who actually live and work here.
I was ready to support you in this, even though it toes the line of decency; I realize however, that bringing this up is a real heel turn. Have you no decency? No sole?
Free Incognito?
So, $50k, which people will put deposits on, but won’t see for friggin’ years, meanwhile the $80-90k models will magically be delivered, regardless as to when they were ordered relative to the overall waitlist.
I’m pretty sure that, in Chicago, you could just answer “living here” as the biggest scam, considering the sheer amount of taxes and cost of living that goes into seemingly nothing, at least not for the general population.
As a motorcyclist who is all about the eye-contact, I can say, yeah, this really works maybe 2/3 of the time, at best. Same as a pedestrian.
Does Brave allow Chrome extensions? I know it’s Chrome/Chromium based, but curious if it does, as I use a few for actual productivity, not just for ad-blocking (especially my password manager). Would love to check Brave out, but if it doesn’t, that’s a non-starter.
A bleach-blonde Sox fan thinking she’s far more adorable than has any right to be? Tell me it ain’t so.
“Argentina: Llamas and Lamers”? I dunno.
I’m curious if those of us without the super-new-fangled ray tracing GPUs will still be able to play this (maybe an display options flag to turn off ray-tracing?).... Would love to dive back into this, but always kinda loathed Quake II’s original visual style. New models/animations/etc even without the raytracing…
I am honestly surprised that Rodgers doesn’t lift the pinky on his drinking hand. Honestly surprised.
I want to see them go with Postmodern Warfare. Players go in, rejecting everything they’re being told about morality and social progress as it relates to the missions they’re presented with, only completing them in utterly ironic (and likely annoying) ways.
My brain initially read the headline’s “Train Molesters” as, well... train molesters, and I initially ran with it, because, well... Japan.
It’s like no one has ever heard of airbags before.
Riding shotgun? You ain’t a true Floridian until that gator is riding in your lap.