Holy shit man, “pay college athletes” isn’t a Democratic or Republican position. This is such sanctimonious bullshit.
Holy shit man, “pay college athletes” isn’t a Democratic or Republican position. This is such sanctimonious bullshit.
You got me in the first half not gonna lie
Let us mohel it over a bit and get back to you.
It’s honestly awesome that Tebow’s “not political, just Christian” schtick explodes the first time he’s brought on air to talk about politics and just spews republican talking points. I’m sure he doesn’t think anything he said was political
I hope his accuracy was better than 46%.
The Tim Tebow hate on this site is ridiculous. Show me one professional athlete whose actions have had a bigger positive impact on the world than that time he volunteered to cut the skin off a bunch of baby’s dicks in the Philippines.
Tebow’s nanny’s significant other, I believe.
“Tricked” as in paid to sell himself, like how prostitutes “trick”
who the fuck is Jesus
This is fantastic.
reserved space for joke about Jesus being born in the broad side of a barn
Fun fact: While harder than getting a camel through the eye of a needle, it’s actually easier for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for Tim Tebow to thread a pass into coverage.
“Tricked” as in openly invited and warmly accepted?
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone 10 feet over thine head
First of all, there’s two Timothy’s, so was it First Timothy or Second Timothy?
I don’t think they’ll need to trick him.
“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, unless he be an amateur.”
yeah "tricked"
Judging by his haircut, how much longer until he gets tricked into speaking at a Proud Boy rally or something like that?
Tim Tebow was on First Take Friday morning to talk with Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman