George P

Oh god- that smack and sharp breath in. Once I noticed it, it became very pronounced and disgusting.

How sad and disturbing as well that parents were so blinded by the desire for their kids to succeed athletically that they didn’t slam the brakes when the doctor asked them to bring them to his house so he could treat them in his basement. In what universe is that not an immediate, huge red flag?

I love that I read this whole post and never found out which Mike it is. No, “Golic”means nothing to me.

My two favorite Mikes are still Oxbigg and Litoris.

The Jay Leno of sports talk. Bland, trite and boring.

Mike Greenberg makes this weird lip smacking sound when he pauses in between thoughts and it drives me insane.

That is exactly what I was envisioning.

I remember that victim statement and thinking that she would not brought him up unless he was willing to come forward at a later date. If Michigan state/USOC/NCAA thought this was limited to female athletes, they must be insane. .

Once they took the ashtrays off the curling sheet it was over.

300 victims? if russia can be banned for doping then the US should be banned for allowing this atrocity to happen.

...You guys had/have an EIC?

So fitting that a baby associated with the patriots owner should have an asterisk by it.

Aw man, it’s so beautiful, when a man, and a woman, bring a little bundle of joy into the world and then he disavows paternity but also sets up an irrevocable trust on behalf of the baby, who will never want for anything in this mortal world but a simple sign of love from the patrician-but-tacky old man who brings a

I read that Trump’s WH turnover rate is 34%, more than twice the next highest administration’s (Reagan, 16%). I read this before the last 3 resignations, though, so the number is higher now.

Depends on how you want to define it. There’s always a massive amount of turnover every time a new President is elected.

Actually yes... and I found this list on Twitter:

Does this count?

First- Curious. Is there anywhere that has posted a current list of turnover rates in the Trump Whitehouse compared to previous administrations? I’d actually like to see it.