George P

For people who love the second amendment so much it’s funny that they never quote the whole thing. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but c’mon the damn thing starts with a well regulated militia. How these gun nuts can say the second amendment protects them from gun regulations will never make sense to me.

It’s sad... no, it’s infuriating, to realize that we’re all help hostage by a group of people engaging in a “hobby”. Because realistically, there’s no legitimate civilian use for semi-automatic rifles, beyond hobby shooting.

Capitalism will never make them go away. Gun nuts love buying guns. Their desire for the feeling of power that comes with owning a boom stick is WAY more important to them than the safety of others.

Unfortunately, the hand of capitalism tends to benefit these people because there are always massive surges in firearms purchasing after a mass shooting, and the local gun nuts will come out of the woodwork to support their Friendly Neighborhood Death Machine Dealer. I wouldn’t be surprised if this particular shop was

Pretty amazing how, under normal circumstances, gun store owners are proud to puff out their chests, tell everyone how they are the defenders of the 2A and they sell “freedom” and other patriotic horseshit and challenge all those liberal snowflakes to come and knock the chip off their shoulder.

Trimetazidine is a helluva drug...

you are giving way too much credit to Geno Smith.

A 2.8 GPA was excelling in the classroom?

I’m waiting for someone to explain why the water goes up and down at the beach. It’s slow so I don’t think people notice. But sometimes my stuff gets wet and I’m confused. How do I stop the ocean from sneaking up on me?

A 2.8 GPA is good now?

“There was no Russian interference in the election”.

The OAR was given leniency by the IOC and this is what they do with it?

-1 Nielsen point

“This can’t be real” I say to myself on an hourly basis.

This is the equivalent of old Trump tweets.

Don’t worry see this was a sweatshirt, not t-shirt. Everyone knows that sweatshirts are fake news.

There must be some sort of mistake. No pilot ever tests positive on NBC.

What’s this world coming to when you can’t believe a t-shirt anymore? Next, you’ll tell me my buddy at the bar ISN’T a female body inspector.

I didn’t star this post.

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