Not only that but it benefits from a new clutch, plus timing chain work completed at a recent 100K.
Not only that but it benefits from a new clutch, plus timing chain work completed at a recent 100K.
The sole purpose of the RS is to steal customers,
Do you know what ringlands are? If your STI has weak aint getting 100k.
No the piston ringlands just break instead requiring a whole new block...also I wouldn’t really make a point about headgasket issues either...just a tip.
Ford could lose Subaru’s entire sales volume without noticing it on their annual reports.
An engine designed in this decade already makes them competitive with Subaru.
My point was that the STI made 300 hp 15 years ago when it was released in the US.
You can call your Scoobie a ‘WRX STI Type RA’ or anything you want, but it’s still a $19k Impreza with $30k in upgrades.
Nah, I’ll pass on the autocross people. Just try talking about some mod you’re going to put on your car. They’ll be like, “BUT THAT’S GOING TO PUT YOU OUT OF THE STREET CLASS AND YOUR TIMES WON’T BE COMPETITIVE.”
Followed by a list of cars that will require constant wrenching on a lift
Everything Ive read about these cars is that they are a nightmare to own. No?
Counterpoint - If you SIGN a contract, you’re bound by it. They’re not trying to get the car back, they’re suing him for not fulfilling his legally binding agreement.
I agree, it’s stupid but it’s pretty clear cut here as Cena signed that agreement. Don’t know what he was thinking in selling it, unless he blind-signed without reading the fine print.
Not equivalent for 2 reasons:
Your mistake is buying a used WRX of any kind. The WRX/STI tax is absolutely ridiculous.
Family has owned 5 and I live in CO, so lots of friends have owned. Your experience is not typical.
Oh good, all the soccer moms in my neighborhood will have something new to load up with pointless off-road mods to get their kids to school in.
Safety. Such a pathetic, warm puppy of an issue. Sick to death of it.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that got old quick.