Tom Harrelson

That actually looks to be a pretty heavily molested Type R. No rear seats, different front, different roof, different valve cover, etc.

I owned a British car once, I think that’s enough.

1320 Video, who is essentially single-handedly responsible for the modern street racing craze. (Due to the fact they have glorified this kind of activity to no end, and now all of the kids want to be on a 1320 Video.) are based in Omaha, Nebraska & even they don’t have a video featuring this clown.

I used to live in NY which follows most of the CARB emissions rules (NJ, MA, CT and 1 or 2 others also do).

All those motorcycle owners must be panicking!

Ah, engine reliability, the primary concern of the $3,000,000 hypercar buyer.

I will probably be in the minority on this one but its kitschy and like the old adage goes “find another one.” Grandpa Munster approves. Nice Price.

I sometimes get caught riding in the rain. That’s about as far as I go.

A $30,000 1990's civic could be made to do the same.

In the real world, on real roads, there’s no way this thing would beat a Tesla in a stoplight drag race. Mopar fans need something to get excited about, and this is the best Dodge can give them.

Is he?

They are saying that resources should not be spent on victimless crimes. It’s also a joke, lighten up man

Maybe victimless crime should not take a priority.

I’m so relieved we finally solved our drugs, terrorism and human trafficking problems so that law enforcement can focus on the things that really matter.

Impending comments of “but when I drive 120 miles per hour on public roads, I do it safely”.

Keep Chip Foose out of it. The world needs less two-tone cars with orange pinstripes.

Would you buy Chip Foose’s project car if it were in the same shape as this? My point is not all project cars are half-assed engineered. This could easily be the exception to the rule.