
Codemasters Colin McRae rallying simulation series. The excellent graphics and unparalleled physics realism at the time just burnt way too many enjoyable hours of my time and punished with wear and tear my poor Thrustmaster GT Force Feedback wheel. It all got a bit more arcady with the Dirt successors, but they’re

Yep, morituri te salutant...

The only saving grace here is that besides being on a hair-trigger, Deputy Jesse Hernandez had the same aiming accuracy of the Star Wars stormtroopers, so the handcuffed suspect Marquis Jackson was physically unharmed, though mentally it’s another story... That’s what happens when the police knows there are 400

Thanks, I have ESPN+ for F! and somehow never noticed F2 was there too (ESPN+ does not carry F1 qualifying, so I usually have to find alternatives for that, so I assumed F2 was the same). 🤦‍♂️ In my small defense, ESPN+ is far more interested in promoting F1 and betting than F2... 

Great point, the survey is not about brand satisfaction, it’s about staying loyal to a specific vehicle, which is a proxy for brand satisfaction, but full of the caveats you mentioned. These results are completely misleading without controlling for those factors.

I think this is a factor, but then why doesn't BMW suffer from the same issues? 

I would expect Nissan and Infiniti to rank pretty low, but to see Mercedes and Audi at 24th and 25th below the Stellantis brands? My jaw has half-dropped.

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This Veritasium video does a pretty good job of explaining how a bicycle turns.

This is a non-starter for me, as I like to see weirdly-shaped objects going around corners at seemingly impossible speeds and accelerating and braking at rates much higher than any car this side of $1M (a Formula McMurtry could be fun if their batteries could last 20 laps of a medium-sized F1 circuit).

There are many unresolved issues with conventional battery recycling, chief among which the toxicity and complexity of recovering the lithium used in these batteries, so I would argue a revolution in battery technology or in battery recycling is needed to enable EVs to fully replace ICEs at the US and global level.

Yeah, hydrogen is still not a viable alternative, despite Honda and Toyota’s investment in it since 2008, when the Honda FCX Clarity was launched. As I said, we’re a couple of revolutions away from that, and they may well not happen before the holy grail of fusion reactors is reached.

First Off, Rowan Atkinson is a rather clever chap, unlike several of his characters that rely on physical comedy. I think the closest we have seen the real Rowan through his characters are the various Edmund Blackadders from Blackadder II to IV, though he is likely much less mean than them.

Yep, the betting advertisement on ESPN+ is relentless, to the point I just mute every commercial break. And they now have ESPNBet in their portal, so they can cut out some of the middle men in getting to the fans pockets. Same thing for advertisement on CNN and several other sources.

Good on Switzerland. The constant betting and gambling advertising we see in the US is really out of control, and as always it’s targeting and ruining the lives of the most vulnerable, but in the US no one would never regulate an industry that takes from the poor to give to the rich... Another wonderful ruling by the

It’s an extremely hard problem to solve. You can make a car self-drive successfully some 99% of the time, but all the edge cases contained in the 1% that the software+hardware can’t handle are too much to be acceptable. And making the software+hardware handle those 1% of cases takes at least as much money and time as

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Got curious about what a homebuilt snowmobile would look like and even though most builders/users have received or eventually receive a Darwin award, you can always try to find some of the content they left behind before they passed, RIP...

Norris at Mercedes would be fun, but he just extended his McLaren contract till 2026. Sainz at Red Bull would also be fun, and he would probably not threaten Max’s dominance within the team (and outside of it), which I'm sure is important for Christian Horner, but where does Checo go then?

I’m starting to buy all the popcorn I can get ahold of before 2025.

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Hmm, the 190 2.5 Evo II in your picture was announced to the world in 1990, and the Evo I was launched in 1989. But the 190 2.3-16 launched in 1983 would certainly fit the bill as an excellent sporty daily driver built like a tank!

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Definitely Harry Metcalfe’s beautiful Jaguar XJC V12 with 5-speed manual conversion. If the mechanics were reliable, it would be simply the perfect daily driver car.