Germans would not allow a fly to be on the wall.
If I could time the market, I’d be running my own hedge fund, have billions in the bank, and be on my superyacht in the Mediterranean.
A few years back I rented a car to go from the airport to my parents house, about a three hour drive. My flight got in late and by the time I got to the rental area it was deserted. I started wandering around up and down the aisles, and finally came across one guy who happened to be the guy I needed. He said he was…
The sooner we get the non-enthusiasts into electric, self-driving transport pods, the sooner we can revitalize the enthusiast market with cars that are built around fun and driver engagement. Right now enthusiast cars are trying to check too many boxes: win the horsepower war, sell to the greatest number of people, be…
There’s a way to cover the event and not spoil the result in the article:
Mack, I apologize. The tone of my message was inappropriate, but I believe that I’m not alone in my sentiments. There are others in this very comment thread that have expressed my same concerns. Now that I’ve had time to let this sit, I realize it was a knee-jerk reaction with regards to my tone, however...the initial…
Dude. Fuck off. Spoilers much? Have some courtesy for those of us that can’t watch it live.
Came here to say this. If you want a car to sell in volume, don't make it the ugliest production car in history.
1st gear:
“It’s a site that covers motorsports. It’s a race day. If you don’t want spoilers, don’t come. I hope Bradley posts the complete top ten in the headline next race.”
Not everyone have the option to actually see it live
Would it hurt you numbnuts to maybe not plaster the result ALL OVER THE FRONTPAGE so the people who have not had a chance to see the race live might be able to enjoy it later in the day without knowing the result beforehand?
Because this thread is replete with corrections, and corrections of corrections: “fewer”.
I mean, they’re legally, in every sense, independent contractors, but if it fits your narrative better to call them employees then go ahead. Because apparently words don’t have meanings anymore.
Uber is a shit company, but the logic holds up. Your 1099 argument is compelling, but if I have an interest-bearing savings account, I receive a 1099. I’m not in the employ of the bank.
Gotta say that I’m on Uber’s side here. Their entire concept is that they’re a middleman app connecting drivers to riders.
“for self driving people”, love the ad.