
Philips HUE

My Philips Hues already produce a warm light as well as almost 17 million other colors. Cool none the less. As the price comes down, there really isn't any reason why people wouldn't just get RGB LED lights for notification purposes. You get your white spectrum warm to cool and every other color too. With the RGB

I imagined it and my first thought was get that guy and throw the book at him and then make him disappear. He obviously is there to fly the plane into something big!

there was probably an awful species there that had coal power plants and cows and cars and all kinds of stuff, and the species destroyed the planet due to warming. The temperature of mars was still rising even recently, despite only having electric vehicles on it. That species really must have done a number on that

Pitfall! has a bunch of this and is 3d in gameplay. Def downloading TR2 now though.

One word is pretty easy to understand despite how ever long it took you to come up with...

I can actually read in a few languages, I do sometimes, but rarely venture off into foreign language papers unless something is particularly interesting. I do watch more foreign language newscast than I read them and the foreign stuff i read tends to be online not in the papers as it is easier to come by. having said

so we're on the same page then. the person is weak, who needs them.

Such bullshit to not allow Facetime for unlimited plans. Just take it away from us at this point stop pulling shit like this. AT&T if you are going to make me change my plan I will not change it with you, there are far better services! Don't be dumb.

Your original statement still stands as proof that can't be true.

How about young Joe should have just shot his hand off which would make old Joe drop the gun giving the little kid enough time to get away instead of killing himself. Or better yet when young Joe realized it was his actions that made the rainmaker, old Joe should have immediately realized the same thing and wouldn't

Who cares if you're against suicide. if they want out, let them do it, it is not hurting anyone else (Physically).

WHO CARES. The guy killed himself. Obviously had nothing going for him in his eyes. One less person to need health care.

LOL, OK becasue I don't just listen to any news organization like a sheep. Follow the herd Skas, you're late for dinner...

As Jackie Chan would Say.. "BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!"

did already, Why is one opinion better than any other, none of us have facts of what happened yet?

Why would you assume I'm a Republican? Its clever to come up with names for all the news organizations, but they are all slanted one way or another. listening to just one or two of them would only make you dumb. Try reading a lot more, read things you agree with and disagree with then make up your own mind. Its a

I didn't realize you had met them and were close personal friends with them. I also didn't realize we base the performance of government on feelings and not facts. It was news to me that Obama doesn't do favors for special interest. While he was playing golf it must have been the person at the white house who spent 5

Oh well OK if you say so, but I think you're looking at that graph upside down...

You can't compare the two, no ones hobby is drinking and driving, you have sad people who do stupid things. It would be more like removing cars from everyone because some people illegally drive drunk. The extreme majority of gun owners are responsible and don't go on murdering sprees. Your argument doesn't make sense.