
it looks like WSJ is the Stupid one...

A Harvard law review of Gun laws and crime statistics.

I was born an raised in Manhattan, my parents and their parents are all New Yorkers, I doub't anyone would call us hillbillies. Yet I enjoy shooting as a hobby. Why should I have my hobby ruined in a witch hunt to make people feel good by banning another gun. It won't solve the problem, any major city with a gun ban

But its training safety and target shooting, not violence. saying anything else is grasping at straws.

Sorry to say the guy is as corrupt as any other political figure. there is nothing unique or special about him, other than his ability to get positive credit for spending like a tweener with daddy's credit card.

If i was going to spend that much on 4K i'd want 4K and OLED tech so i'll wait a year or two.

is it me or is that the smallest convention floor I've ever seen?

Senario- Two men break into your house. Each criminal does not have a legal gun or magazine. Lets say they each have 12 shots or perhaps even a larger illegal magazine. They are criminals so they don't care about magazine laws. I'm home with my wife and children, a law abiding citizen. I have an 8 round magazine (by

The super super majority of gun violence is with hand guns. and members of the NRA who purchase these assault riffles legally are not going around killing people with them. They don't believe the second amendment gives them a right to kill people, it gives them a right to own a rifle to defend against those who want

Membership fees really are not that much. A lifetime membership only costs $1000 and they have payment plans below monthly membership. Is it at all possible they use the money to promote safety and lobby for the rights of its members? That the heads of the organization actually are hunters and sport shooters and

So then you agree, that a game where you shoot targets and they give safety tips, is less violent than a game where you hunt ducks?

so are android users allowed to be assholes or did you mean Rules for using a cell phone in general?

It goes against nature. girls are choosier than guys. Guys want to bang anything that walks. the only thing that stops us from banging everyone is what we think others will think. in those cases, it is traditional to be drunk and then blame it on the boos.

Looks pretty nice w/o the snow too

LIKES: the ghosts in the back.

Wow for a company who has televisions I absolutely LOVE, this is a huge disappointment. I don't want to stand the tv on the floor, I have a large dog that i don't want his nose all over the screen. I want to mount the TV it always looks nicer as a frame. They went overboard trying to differentiate after everyone

Why not just use a projector instead of a TV with a focal point in the center? its cool, don't get me wrong, I just think at the end of the day if i'm going to be projecting that big an area, i'd rather have a screen come down and have a huge TV.

I think its more curved the way a satellite dish is curved so that all waves hitting it are focused to the central point. I would think that is the theory anyway.

so screens went from convex from the time they were invented to around the late 90s to when they went flat. Now we are getting concave screens? I hope this isn't a cycle.