
Life doesn't only form on earth sized planests, Its about how inhabitable the planet is. does it have water? does it have oxygen or an atmosphere? some of that depends on if its a carbon based life form. The life may not look anything like us depending on the journey through evolution those species took, or for those

Oh i had a few shockwave Disc mans Those were some sweet players.

Wow, so you can scroll through pictures slowly... I can't imagine what the future holds!

"This works as an insult because it is assumed that no one would ever want to be like that. " I will go on record and say that no one does want to be like that, and it's not even an assumption. No one wants to be like that, and no one prays their baby will be whatever PC term you are using now. It happens sometimes much cheaper than $100 per plant

This is similar to the Kickstarter project that just launched and works with Smart Things

Same thing Here

Why is that nuts? The earth has supported life as early as 2 billion years ago, surely mars could have hosted at least single cell life at some point.

Why doesn't your country build a space ship and stop the Americans. Oh Wait your country must have more important things to do like talk and talk at the UN. BORING!!!

Oh I didn't see your flag on it....

You can argue that they didn't invent the touchscreen only phone, and you'd be right. However show me the phone that had an interface as smooth and logical as theirs. If there had been they would have enjoyed the market share that Apple originally did. and google would have gone after that design as a base. Point is,

Bird Shit is incredibly corrosive. It is a bad idea to put this on your roof. Bird crap can eat through metal and is one of the main causes of structural damage.


Not everyone want s to always stream everything. I use a lot of streaming services, but when i'm on a plane or want my phone to last all day, I try not to stream the music I listen to.

He better plug it back in before he loses power and can't tweet about how none of this is his fault, and how he has a solution to stunt the growth of our nation more than it already is.

That's pretty nutty, sooo many bombs, I mean Japan only had to deal with 2 bombs.

Gizmodo thinking they're anything but a gadget blog.

Probably the 37th

200 million? just over 100 million voted, where did you get this number from?

I am just under thirty, Own many iPhones and Androids, i even own a WEB OS and Win7 device. I can fix computers no problem, as well as custom build many of my own rigs. I have Linux, Windows, and apple computers. One of the Apple computers I actually built. I have some android devices rooted and some iOS devices