
At your service.

Clever well thought out response, you took what I said and then said it back to me with a different persons name. In 8 years you can talk about how awful President Romney was and how if only Obama had been in office a second term we'd be even better off. You can even blame the bustling economy on Obama too if you'd

Like most democrats you pee on your selves.

Yes and Obama shops at Mens Wearhouse.

No one deserves 8 years of Obama, I believe that falls under cruel and unusual punishment.

First, I'd like to say that the president of the United Utates doesn't have the power to make something like abortions illegal. Second, I have no problem with abortions, I think if you don't want your baby, I sure as hell don't want it and most certainly do not want to pay for your life choices. Second if you want to

How do you know she wasn't using the ARART app or something similar?

If you can afford it, why wait, put your money where your mouth is. you're allowed to pay extra tax if you would like, it's a 1914 law, when paying extra, you can even decide where in the government you want your money applied. So lets see, post your receipt for your tax donation.

I'm sorry, Did I defend bush at any point? I don't think Bush ended his presidency particularly well. In fact I was rather disappointed with him. I just happen to be even more disappointed with Obama.

First, Clinton had a balanced budget thanks to drastic cuts in military and defense spending which many believe invited 911. Second, Clinton went out of office with the internet bust which was a root cause for the early 2000's recession. Third, it was largely a republican majority in the house and senate (first in one

This guy must have just been protesting because of the video Innocence of Muslims

Former Communications Director Anita Dunn calls the work environment at the white house 'hostile environment for woman'

Former Communications Director Anita Dunn calls the work environment at the white house 'hostile environment for woman'

I guess when you are serving the public sector its nice to have a wide variety of cultures and experiences whether religious or gender to bounce ideas off of. I doubt he knows what hes doing considering his lack of success in life.

Well considering Romney is leading in the polls and outside the margin of error... the sad thing is that 4 years of Obama was worse than 8 years of Bush.

Considering Romney is leading the president now with a 51% margin that is outside the margin of error, I guess this whole binder thing isn't as bad as all of you are making it out to be.

Your TV replacement schedule is weird, but more importantly your Ereader replacement is ridiculous unless you're breaking these things, the'r just isn't that much improvement on these that often.

the file will be drm protected so your printer wouldn't be able to read it w/o the software. But like the hitman said, it will be cracked.

Considering the use of lasers to reverse engineer products is around and getting cheaper, I don't see why this is a major concern. It's as easy as parting the object out and placing the parts you want to copy in a scanner of sorts.

No, unfortunately for you, money is what makes the world go round. With it, you can do anything you need to do or want to do. Bill Gates foundation isn't successful because its got the most volunteers, its because it has the most money, and with it it can place volunteers wherever they are needed and buy materials to