I’m with you. That Forty-Eight is drop dead sexy, while the bagger is butt ass ugly.
I’m with you. That Forty-Eight is drop dead sexy, while the bagger is butt ass ugly.
You’re going in the wrong direction. I spent hours for a couple days looking for one once. Turns out it was about 1-2mins to the left of my home base....
HA guy down the street has an old ford u-haul sitting in his yard full of shit. they keep their pool toys in the cab.
At first I was like “WTF that is the worst headlight fitment ever” then I realized it is the current raptor fenders.
future warning to papa john KEEP YOUR CAMARO OUT OF DETROIT!
Why the spanish clips?
Am I the only one that remembers Dead Island’s first trailer? It had ZERO gameplay in it. Without it I doubt the game would have done as well as it did.
In my middle school we had a teacher that liked to “rub” some girls shoulders. it was said he was also caught looking at porn on his PC in the classroom and that he cut the pocket out of his pants to play pocket pool. Back then it was also rumor that a girl had caught him jacking at his desk after school.
sadly trump looks like the best GOP candidate too.... thats fucking scary
This. When my wife and I were expecting our second child I really wanted another son. I remember feeling so disappointed at the cake reveal (shut up I know its stupid) party that we were having a girl.
kinda. while in GTA Online you can watch some cameras from your apartment. they are just ones around your apt building.
its cool...
This album is my favorite from Eminem. My friends and I must have listened to the whole thing a million times
I have Wii U, PS4, Xbone, and a gaming PC. my pc and the wii u get used the most. kids play the wii u and i play on the PC. kinda regret buying both a ps4 and xbone though.
guessing thats why she is an ex
No I havent beat the story. I’m at 80hours in the game. lifted the curse on the guy and trying to do everything else before i continue.
yeah I’m a big fan of roadkill. couple days ago on facebook david said he was seriously considering selling the muscle truck.
+1 star for muscle truck. its sounds fucking great
No. However I’m not a NEW car buyer. Cannot afford any new cars that I would want.