
Iron man. Iron Man

Don’t drive on your stomach, and don’t let anyone else do it either.

In the future, when DIY is outlawed, only outlaws will DIY.

Based on the background I’d say it’s exactly the same. The wall and rig are practically identical. So either they are or Bugatti bought the exact same rig and then set it up exactly the same way.

And thinking of cars as simply “rapidly depreciating assets” is also dumb. In exchange for the depreciation, you get very valuable transportation.


Why do FWD cars have rear wheels if they apparently don’t use them?

The best thing on the internet? I always assumed it involved boobs.

I mean, it was random as hell in morning traffic.

“You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia” - but only slightly less well-known is this: “never attempt to own a car when you live in London”!

“We realize you have a choice in air travel, and we thank you for choosing TransGalactic. TransGalactic has the lowest gremlin-caused delay rate in the industry.”

He says he’s in the right lane.

When driving home after work, I generally sit in the right hand lane near the speed limit (70mph on I75 north of Detroit) as I’m not in any real hurry and traffic is light.

Some high schoolers threw a big party down the street from my house. Someone parked their ~77 Camaro across my driveway where I couldn’t leave for work (third shift delight!) so I walked down to the house and started asking about the car. Got some rude comments and no useful info. I smashed the drivers window out with

I’ve shared this story before, and I’ll share it again.

One of these cars is made in America, using American motors, American parts, and American materials!

This guy deserves a GoFundMe like that dude in Delaware with the awesome garage and the jerkwad neighbors.

So then its just like Ferrari, Porsche, and most BMW/MB/Audis.