
I think John DeLorean tried this once.

He claimed that he hadn’t defrauded anyone—he simply mismanaged their money.

Yea, and by then their underwater stadiums will be packed. Stuffed to the gills, if you will.

How much did it cost to add AWD?

But bed naps you either have to set your alarm or will yourself out of bed after an hour or so. Otherwise you are gone for at least 2 hours and wake up and have no idea where the hell you are. Very disorienting, especially if it went from daylight to night time during your nap.

I am fucking TERRIBLE at napping. I have slept on an airplane maybe once, when I was heavily sedated and extremely tired.

That’s why I’m glad I live in a backwoods. People don’t even have TV in their house let alone gas pumps. Either way just set it to autofill and then get back in the car until it’s done. Welcome to the shithole time we live in where you can’t get a moment’s peace. It’ll only get worse. Right now some dickhole is

This is a stupid take and an even worse article, sorry Chris.

i think you mean ‘shopper’.

I think it is very difficult to make the case that the White House press corps is still an integral part of holding the government accountable. When was the last time we learned about some real shit because of a tough question asked at a press conference, rather than from a leak or an admin official speaking on

I’m not one to call some lady I’ve never met—or even heard of until now—a liar, but, umm...this:

Him getting torched last year was more of a rule than an exception.

I know there have been other globe/Kyrie jokes

I just like this one

Because it is a lot easier to hide behind THE TROOPS than it is to have a discussion on an uncomfortable subject.

I will NEVER attend a sporting event where the draft dodging millionaire athletes disrespect the veterans who earned them the right to be on that field.

I mean, I could almost buy this if one of his wish-list destinations were not Minnesota.

I dare you to replicate one for $50k.

I also enjoy the fact that he aged 30 years during LeBron’s time with the Heat

Perhaps we are looking at this thing from the wrong angle. For a moment, go ahead and squeeze all of your muscles so your soul squirts out of your nose. There. Now you are a killer. Now you are the business prophet. Your mother approaches you and all you can see is a complex diagram of revenue and cost. It’s trying to

“Oh good, youre early. Start painting the hallway first and then move to the bedrooms. I want it all gold, gold, gold. And dont steal anything or I’ll know!”