
Wow. You have problems.

You know what. I hope when someone close to you dies, everyone you know, and a bunch of strangers start badgering you to make a facebook post about it.

So conservative stands for hateful bigots who want to bomb people?

Wow. I cannot imagine being this delusional. To not only believe that your “liberties” aka making death and bomb threats were denied by private businesses, but to believe that jews who literally have nothing to do with your attack on trans people are to blame for the backlash against your own actions.

Total. Definitely not right to mock people demanding someone write their friend and co-workers obituary.

wHy HaVenT yOu WrItTeN aBoUt YoUr DeAd FrIeNd!

Are you suggesting that keffals was simply offended by something someone on kiwi farm said and then she went after them?

“Companies wont take money to carry my message, its so UNFAIR!”

Looks like reading is extremely hard for you. As you seem to have no understand the basic sequence of events at all.

Oh? Like what. Do bring facts and evidence.

Point to where you have a right to a private platform. Point to where you have a right to a job. Point to where you have a right to a business contract.

So.. apparently you haven’t been paying attention.

That is.. wow. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised but damn.

And your point is what exactly? I think facebook is a shit company for its blatant deletion of abortion pill content since the supreme idiocy of 13th century england decided to put religious views above the law. But I don’t think what they are doing is censorship, and I will always heavily criticise them for it.

Wait.. seriously?

They just went home to daddy dictator. Nothing surprising here.

Yeah! How dare she post the picture of a hateful woman who supports her sons endeavors to help murder people!

And I shouldn’t be surprised. Racist bigots like you are always some of the outright dumbest people alive.

Question for you. Should someone whose religion says child marriage is okay be allowed to ignore all us laws on the matter?