

“Due process”

Great. Now we will get to watch as he gets off easy as this show continues.

A month later, he was arrested and charged in Delaware and New Jersey courts for crimes related to vehicle theft. Ayoub would spend three months in jail.”

And yet they seem to have no evidence of that.

Lol. You are so full of shit. 

Now of course this question is inappropriate, just like when right wing teachers do the same.


Yep. Or do you want to pretend that white people are the peers of black people?  

Look. We all know that blacks just cannot be impartial jurors since they are all criminals.


LOL. No.

You are right of course. Only black people doing shitty things get properly punished though. Funny that.

The funniest part of your response is that he covered it just like every white athlete gets treated. Or how every murder of a black person by cops gets treated.

?? that was stupid

“Imagine if something you invented was stolen from you and then marketed and sold to customers around the world.”

Yes I will.

To all those defending the officers. You killed this boy.

Meanwhile people are arguing that without absolute proof teens who run people over cannot be taken in, or charged.

I hope your child gets shot by police. But don't worry it will be justified so the cops don't have to feel bad about it after shooting at a non violent criminal in a residential area.