
Ooh! The last part! The last part! That would be so awesome! Please, please, please!

I have an uncontrollable smile now. Thank you.

That's what I did!!!

Tasteless. But here me out. I think this is a found photo with a tagline added to it. He is sitting down and she is trying to get out of his lap. It looks more like he farted and she is trying to escape the smell.

Om nom nom!

Not in America. We will still be waiting to get them.

It was most likely as a new customer. Good luck getting that price as an existing customer.

You convinced me. Shower it is.

No, we have to make sure we fully understand what we see and don't miss anything.

You do of course realize that this is an offense that can get you arrested?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this swing the other way too? Can we now fire the nurse that refuses to assist in an abortion that is necessary to save the woman's life based on her own religious views? I think this is ultimately a separation of church and state issue.

5 hookers ain't shit! This guy killed 25 hookers and he wasn't even enrolled at SMU.

I'm sorry, but if that had happened to my wife, goodbye toilet.

SRV had been clean for a while when his "helicopter" went down. SRV is very important to a lot of people. Get your facts straight.

I love this woman! She is just fantastic! I'm so happy to know people like this exist. She makes the world a better place.

Fuck that shit!

I'm not much for celebrity sex tapes, but I'd love to see this one.

Vodka Sunkist?

Now that's a Zombie Apocalypse vehicle.
