His car didn't just 'catch fire' It literally blew up... just like in the movies. http://videosift.com/video/New-videā¦
His car didn't just 'catch fire' It literally blew up... just like in the movies. http://videosift.com/video/New-videā¦
What is important is where your eyes are focused. In the case of head mounted displays like this the focul point is pretty far behind where the actual screen is, so eye strain is not a concern in that respect. There will be other issues but the closeness of the screens is not one of them
While in many ways I would agree with your point of view, I am after all a photographer/musician/writer, I think the issue is bigger than poor distribution or pricing. The reality is that digital information is specifically designed to be copied. That's what it's for. That's what computers do.
My feelings are irrelevant to the discussion.
The ethical/moral implications of file sharing are certainly worthy of debate, however it is important that the arguments are framed correctly. Calling file-sharing stealing is redefining the word stealing.
Neither. Defining something that is not stealing/theft as such is a misnomer.
Calling it piracy is a misnomer. The OP is referring to copying through a file sharing network. Nobody is profiting from this SHARING. There is no theft or piracy taking place. Please stay on topic.
The only possible way it could be considered stealing is if the person copying them was selling them on. Otherwise it's a zero sum equation.
"Stealing is stealing."
This guy has a much more interesting skyrim oculus video.
c-c-c-combo breaker
As someone who is blogging his first novel just for the hell of it, this article has given me plenty of food for thought. Perhaps I'll quit my job and try it full time. Seems like a sensible plan.
I'm doing my whole book in make it up as you go along candybars. look for gryphonboy the firewall saga on wordpress if you are interested.
There is no logic to the assumption that many lives have more value than few. Meaningless experiment is meaningless.
Makes sense to me. Being stoned makes your heart rate increase. Burning more calories.
I would prefer to see a hawk and dove movie.