
Yeah, it starts with a redesigned shirtless Garrus and a new romance scene for him and FemShep. You want to be taken seriously and to get a job off this? Ditch the DeviantArt-style fetishizing (seriously, don't search Garrus on DeviantArt, it gets real weird, real fast).

OH, he even wants to work for video game companies. Let's see. His resume would read something like:

I wonder if peoples' hatred of series endings has more to do with their unwillingness to confront the end of something they loved (and by proxy, their own mortality) then it does any shortcomings in the game/show/whatever.

I have never been more happy to be isolated within a very different subculture in my mid-20s.

Yet more evidence that no one cool goes to music festivals any more.

I went to go hunt AFI gifs since giffing was not really a thing in 2003 and while I found very little I've just been reminded of how pretty Davey Havok is.

I think women who reject men solely based on height (what's so fucking magical and awesome about 6' anyway?) are just as shallow as men who reject women based on weight.

Absolutely no applicants with an affinity for AFI (aka whiney ass bitch music).

It's stories like these that a) make me angry and b) remind me how grateful my brother was on his house arrest. He is an epileptic, and the justice system provided him with rides, check ins (to make sure he was OK), etc. Considering his length of sentence and what he'd done, many would not have treated him like a

God. Stop with the click bait titles. She's not going to jail for shopping, she's going to jail because she violated the conditions of her house arrest. Dont leave your house seems pretty easy to understand.

This is why I screenshot everything and anything that could be in the least bit worrying or come back to bite me in some way. Takes up very little space on my harddrive and maybe I'm being paranoid but I feel a little better knowing there's proof.

Hey, I've called my fair share of trolls 'hoopleheads,' though I've been hesitant to throw out 'cocksucker.' Which sucks (no pun intended), because it's my favorite curse. We need more curses with hard consonants.

I'm supposed to feel sorry for people because they can't Instagram? Fuck right off.

Don't dis the Uno. :) Uno is classic and awesome.

Could someone explain Rachel Zoe to me? A) Why is a stylist famous? B) Why would anyone pay a stylist whose personal style is basically oversized, draped everything with a metric fuckton of gaudy gold accessories? and C) How do you even make so much money by telling people what to wear?

Yea, can we talk about that low-blow? I'm a bonus mom and was offended by that comment! And I am not an easily offended person... Step parents get a bad enough rep, and I know several who are awesome at it, including myself. It's not an easy job!

Whoah, there was no need to call LeAnn Rimes "batshit loonballs" that seems a bit hypocritical coming from the site sternly against victim blaming. Poor taste Jez

Last night I made the comment that you know you are old when you want to throw a towel around the undergrads. Tonight I add to that you know you are old when you see a middle-aged woman wearing a belly shirt and think "shouldn't she dress in a more age appropriate manner?"