
Whip-it’s for anxiety? Yikes.

She is most famous for being in the Blurred Lines music video. She was also in Gone Girl as younger woman Afflect is sleeping with.

Some women need a big one to orgasm from PIV sex, and maybe Bilson is one of them. But, I wouldn’t frame the guys before Hader as not being “hung enough” for Bilson as the author did.

No surprise. I think the most interesting and telling part of this is not that they broke up, but why they stayed together up until now.

There’s nothing more Christina Applegate than raging against the dying of the light instead of just fading quietly into a well earned quiet and as comfortable as she can be made battle with MS.

So is she going to talk about that time she said all gay men were disgusting and had AIDS?

I don’t like Megan, and I don’t like horror/gore films, but “Jennifer’s Body” was a surprisingly enjoyable and camp movie!

It’s a TV show, not a movie. He did what he was told for three years and made a request before writing on season 4 even began. TV scripts are rewritten all the time for a huge variety of reasons. Sorry, I’m not seeing a dick move anywhere.

It doesn’t sound like he made an ultimatum, so no one’s putting a gun to anyone’s head over this. Three seasons in of working together he initiated a conversation with the showrunner, and with their long-term relationship no further discussions were needed. There’s always dissonance in acting—Penn Badgley is more

YEARS ago, I posed nude twice for photography students. They both gave me framed prints as a thank you.

It would be nice if they would get that annoyed about TikTok being so draconian in the first place that they have to invent code words and like, boycott or something productive...but it’s easier to bully people for not knowing their slang I guess.

Cockroaches, lice, and bedbugs: We aren’t friends with this asshole.

That countdown-to-the-18th-birthday shit is just so fucking gross, and it hasn’t gone anywhere. Millie Bobbie Brown and Billie Eilish both had to suffer it lately. I wish we could make some kind of unofficial online registry for guys who do shit like that, so they could never get laid by decent women again.

I didn’t know.

Or maybe she was genuinely in love with him and she knows her feelings better than someone else and isn’t confusing intensity with love, which you seem to be assuming she is?

Wow we really haven’t changed since the days of throwing women into water to see if they could swim. She’s dead either way!

I think there’s also an argument to be made that having abusive parents control you into middle age will stunt your maturity. People are mad that she’s acting like a teenager or a young 20-something.

She never got to live those years like a normal person so of course that’s what she’s doing now that she has the freedom

So we don’t think Spears has a mental health diagnosis? Just because it’s not public doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Doesn’t justify the abusive conservatorship but the way some folks try to pretend her behavior wasn’t deranged before the conservatorship is kind of weird.

I’m sure have abusive parents control you into middle age, is probably not great for ones mental health. The fact that the news media is still trying make Britney seem unhinged for not wanting to be a wind up doll is very concerning. I hope she has a therapist she can trust. 

I don’t know this specific restaurant, but I’m European and have been in quite a number of three stars and none in which I’ve gone do anywhere close to 100 servings.