
I think it's really more that there are so many stories nowadays that, due to their severity, DEMAND our attention and DEMAND that we verbalize our opposition. Two really hot people deciding that they would prefer not to be with their really hot spouses, and instead want to parlay their undeniable chemistry into some

I am an attorney (for better or worse) and you are correct...saying she doesn’t need more money is such a dumb and lazy take.  I keep screaming from the grays for them to please try and have some basic understanding of the law if they’re going to write about it... but alas...

I think the odd thing here is that Kim is worth way more than Kanye, who recently revealed that he fell WAY off the billionaire list and is now “only” worth like $400 million. She’s at something like $2 billion. Kanye is going to run out of money FAST, too.

Even if it *is* just a phase, and Zaya changes her mind/her identity evolves...I don’t think there’s a rule that says you can only change your legal name/gender once. So she can just change it again. She’s not asking for surgery, this is just some paperwork.

If he’s not on some Fox News affiliated “non-woke” medical show whose primary topics are gender-affirming care and how Narcan should be illegal within the next 18 months, I will eat several of my hats. Fox News is DYING for a quack with a veneer of authority who will say made up shit like “Puberty blockers are child

I regret that I have but one star to give this. I used to work in this area, and these girls generally do not think of themselves as victims (though they absolutely are.) Some of us are very lucky to be unable to fathom a life that could make a violent pimp seem like the safest person. 

More damning, though, is the revelation that Florida’s elected officials have long been well aware of the crisis and have taken little to no action to save the state’s most at-risk girls.

You should introduce yourself to a dictionary. Because showing a picture of a live person and then saying that their level of beauty is unattainable is not hyperbole. Saying she’s a stick or whatever would be.

That mug shot is enough to douse my well worn Fleabag Hot Priest fantasies...well, nearly.

Haven’t seen it yet, but Leguizamo has gone on record to say that his character was inspired by Steven Seagal, whom he LOATHES, which sounds fun

I felt the same way.  And didn’t get pregnant!  Then several years later, when he was with a different woman, discovered that, actually, he was infertile... (correlation/causation conundrum strikes again.)

This is a reminder that the only crime that the wealthy and powerful will be held accountable for are those crimes that financially hurt other wealthy and powerful people. She fucked around with wealthy investor’s money and found out.  

From another source: the consumers who used the health-testing services provided by Theranos won’t get the ending they had hoped for. Holmes was found not guilty on three charges of defrauding patients and one charge of conspiracy to defraud patients.”

My college-educated Gen-Z/Millenial cusp coworker mentioned that she heard about how “many chemicals are in birth control” to me, and told me about how all you have to do is open the documentation packet that comes with your birth control, and “it’s like pages long, written in really small print”.

I do think some relationships that could have been good for both people end because one or both didn’t make the effort, and those people may be worse off as a result of those failures. But I think other scenarios, where no one is at fault, or one person was so egregiously at fault that the other is better off without

In order: No, yes, yes, no.

Kim Kardashian, Elon Musk, Gwenyth Paltrow, Snoop Dogg, and Katy Perry

As an android from a very strange future reality, she obviously knows what she is talking about.

Same here (minus the abs) up until my mid-30's.  I never “exercised” but I also worked retail and was on my feet constantly walking for 40 hours a week (over 30,000 steps per day was not unusual).  For a website that talks constantly about how it’s against judging women’s looks and conspiracy theories, it sure seems