Ah yes, Amber Heard is responsible for the addiction issues of a grown man 20 years older than her who had a “Wino Forever” tattoo before they even got together.
Ah yes, Amber Heard is responsible for the addiction issues of a grown man 20 years older than her who had a “Wino Forever” tattoo before they even got together.
i have seen this sentiment everywhere! “abusers stare at their victims in court and the abused can’t look at their abuser because it is triggering” and i have tried to look it up many times and find a credible source for it and it simply does not exist.
You’re a sale trainer and a coach and that makes you quailifed to talk about how SA and DV victims should act?
Can you share a link to this info?
You’re feelings aren’t facts either. Johnny Depps expert said she thinks Heard has BPD. Amber Heard’s expert says she doesn’t and even looking at the other experts notes there is no way she has BPD. Heard’s expert said she had PTSD.
I said the same thing yesterday and I recognize how bizarre it sounds that I clicked on the article again anyway and am also commenting, but I’m doing so because I’m hoping at least at Jez a few people get it:
It is fucking MADDENING that the case is inescapable. I have all relevant keywords muted on twitter, I hadn’t…
The amount of pro-Depp suggested content that keeps coming up in my social media feeds is excessive and very weird. Huge paid sockpuppet vibe. I guess the 2020's are going to be about dueling social PR as much as anything in the courtroom.
Nah, I literally called them allegations, which are by definition unproven. That said, her behavior of recording and photographing regularly seems consistent with someone who was in a really bad situation behind closed doors and knew that no one else was seeing what was really going on. And from my own sexual assault,…
That’s all junk science. It’s cop-drama bullshit, and literally performs worse than randomly at detecting deception or motive.
I agree that it would be irresponsible to report this as having been a trans person—or to even speculate in a journalistic piece that this might have been a trans person—absent some kind of supporting evidence.
I assume they were just trying to not give that rumor air. I feel like even if they report that the claim was baseless, people are just going to run with it.
Maybe if you’re running a TV show and need new melodrama every week, this is exactly the kind of person you want to have around? I mean, I think you’d want her in an isolation tank or something.
A “life coach”. I guess if you can’t do, teach.
the aclu donation has already been explained in the comments and the shit in the bed has already been proven in the uk case that the dog did it.
I get that this is what everyone will remember about this case but how is shitting in his bed worse than him trashing her closet and belongings, making threats, physical violence toward her, etc?
I know! Heard had to prove in the UK courts that she was telling the truth. So what if she has had bizarre and/or violent behavior as well? That doesn’t invalidate what was done to her. Like, I have no horse in this race, but this shit is bonkers.
Mentioning that a UK judge ruled that Depp assaulted Heard on a dozen occasions and put her life in jeopardy at least three of those times just isn’t worth Jezebel’s time, it seems. For the love of god, please remember that sometimes imperfect women are victims of domestic violence and still deserve support.
The saddest part is that Johnny still isn’t going to F them even after being such a valiant internet warrior on his behalf. Truly the century’s greatest tragedy :(
I mean... He’s gonna lose. It’s not criminal court, it’s a defamation trial and his defense is literally “we mutually abused each other” which is true...but it’s still admitting that he abused her and therefore her words in the op-ed were not libel. I personally could not care less about the court of public opinion;…