
Eh I think that's also true for male celebrities. Hell, Kanye has custody of his kids, and he's an actual threat to them. 

I think part of the issue is that BC pills are overprescribed to people who might be better off exploring other options. I remember back in the 90s doctors pushing hormonal BC for everything from dysmenorrhea to weight loss(!), even when the harsh side effects clearly outweighed the benefits. I stayed on BC pills in

Dude, it’s about transmen...As in bio-women who could still menstruate....People who show up at the OB/GYN with a full beard. People who can and are denied gyno care.

I’ve noticed the same thing as I got older! Men in my age group largely ignore me (out chasing 20-somethings I guess?) and I’ve noticed an uptick of attention from much younger men. But I thought she dated a 21 or 22-year-old recently? Which strikes me as way too young, even if you’re into younger men. I feel like 14

I gotta say, I’m Kate’s age and literally the only dudes that ask me out these days are MUCH younger. Like, I can tell they are “young” (as in -er than me) but usually don’t figure out how much younger until they tell me. The youngest guy I’ve dated was about 14 years my junior. Maybe the only men that ask her out

No. It isn’t fair. Kate Beckinsale gets all of the hot men. Seriously, her ex-list pretty much lines up with my fantasy list. WHY AM I NOT A SUPER HOT, FAMOUS, RICH WOMAN?????????

That comment is somewhat heartless though given that Kim Kardashian notably had extremely complicated and no doubt painful pregnancies and was medically advised not to become pregnant again because of the potential danger to her health.

When we say “defund the police,” this is why. This is the exact type of thing their job should be about, not hassling minorities about weed or sitting in speed traps. And yet, while we struggle to pay teachers and social workers, cops can fail to meet expectations Time after Time with no consequence. I'm pretty sure

“It was like, if you don’t know who it is and we don’t know who it is, how do you expect us to find out? I was like, ‘You’re the cops.’”

That would potentially make you more vulnerable in this case. The tracker could still report its location using someone else’s phone that happens to be in the vicinity and you would no longer receive an alert that a tracker is following you.

I assume she’s under contract.

To be fair, I think TMZ basically accosted her outside Barry’s Bootcamp so I doubt she had time to prepare an eloquent response but she could have just said no comment... But given how thirsty she is I doubt she was going to waste the opportunity for more attention.

If TMZ is hanging out at Barry’s Bootcamp just to ask her, she isn’t exactly “inserting herself.”

it is all based in a hatred of women and desire to hurt and humiliate them.”

Kink shame much?  You should really do a little research into the BDSM lifestyle.  In consensual relationships rules and boundaries are clearly discussed and continuously maintained.  BDSM isn’t the badguy here.  Manson is. 

Is Pete a dick for doing this? Sure. Is Kanye a basket case whose untreated mental health issues are causing actual problems for Kim, Pete, the kids, and the rest of their families? Yes, undoubtedly. Chiding Pete for being a dick *in response to continuous harassment and abuse in the media* is not a good look.

Right everyone thinks Pete should just be quiet and let Kanye bully him. It’s about time he said something to that jerk. I love what Pete did. Kanye got what was long overdue.

I don’t blame Pete for messing with Ye. I’m not saying it’s right, but it makes sense to me.

You can’t lead with that and then not give a description of what he actually did that was so above and beyond.

She’s nutso bananas.