
Well it wasn’t just the occasional happy meal, it sounds like the Grandma was basically feeding the kids nothing but fast food and sodas and crap the whole time — which for 4 and 6 year olds is .... not the best.

I firmly and fully believe that grandparents should respect the wishes of the child’s parents, and that grandma was way the hell out of line here, if the mom had explicitly asked her (multiple times, apparently) not to give the children fast food.

Geez, maybe their friends. 

Quik powder was coarse & gritty, absolutely horrible to have in your mouth. Hershey’s powder (not Hershey’s cocoa, very different), on the other hand, was very fine and a spoonful was glorious, like fine chocolate dust on your tongue. But I haven’t seen Hershey’s powder in over 20 years. All I see know is the syrup.

I honestly think he seems fun and is super hot (in a dirty, small-time drug dealer kind of way) and allegedly has a heavy ass dick. I just got divorced. I wish he’d be mine.

I bet gold is not what Kim is digging through Pete’s pants for.

Britney is certainly making up for years of being forced to suffer in silence. Under her circumstances, I’d do the same.

I bet Pete’s a breath of fresh (or marijuana filled) air after being married to Kanye.  LOL

See it! It’s fantastic. And yes, think of it less as a Sandler vehicle, more as a Safdie brothers masterpiece (they also did Good Time, which is excellent).

I remember when that article was posted about her pregnancy and I was like “Who?” I still don’t know so I googled her. They may be different levels of fame, but based on Wikipedia she seems like she and Kanye would have a lot in common:

It’s a prison that watches all security levels. Meanwhile the evidence of a conspiracy is two faulty cameras...

Clearly you have not read Ovid’s Metamorphoses, specifically Perithous’s wedding and Nessus - according to Ovid, centaurs are rape monsters.

Have you ever had monkfish? A breaded slab of it would be instantly distinguishable from any other fish I can think of; it's texturally much more like a crustacean than a fish, ain't no way you're getting it mixed up with a nicely flaky hunk of cod or pollock.

Pete’s probably a breath of fresh air after ‘Ye. Get it, Kim. Have your fun.

Agreed; it’s weird take to say he was blaming his kids. It really just seems like he was providing an honest, clinical inventory of the factors that weighed into his decisional process in that moment.

To me it isn’t as much that he’s blaming his marriage and kids as he is saying he was depressed and unhappy and using alcohol as a way to avoid making difficult decisions regarding his marriage. He was depressed and self-medicated with alcohol which is not terribly uncommon. I know it’s popular to dog on Affleck but I

flashing her bare bum, screaming at total strangers, and shaving her head”

So, behaving like half of my college students. Behaving like a young adult. None of these things rise to concerning self harm, rather, they’re mildly embarrassing and risked the income of the industry that was Britney Spears.

And at least when she was in the conservatorship she wasnt running around flashing her bare bum,

Nowhere in my post did I say she didn’t need help. But I don’t know her and I don’t know if she’s under the care of a mental health professional.

And at least when she was in the conservatorship she wasnt running around flashing her bare bum, screaming at total strangers, and shaving her head.”

As the author of the

Even if you are right, that might partly be because she has been treated like a child for decades.