You’ve got a point. Something I rarely see mentioned in any of the hookup discourse is that when young women do it their partners tend to be similarly young and inexperienced, and also subject to a whole different set of cultural expectations.
You’ve got a point. Something I rarely see mentioned in any of the hookup discourse is that when young women do it their partners tend to be similarly young and inexperienced, and also subject to a whole different set of cultural expectations.
Eh, I’ve heard about this happening to women. You hear about it much less often because women are less likely to creep on minors and lie about it, but it happens. It’s also worth mentioning that James Charles is 21, which means a lot of people who look very young are in fact completely age-appropriate for him.
I just find it deeply weird that “porn vagina” gets blamed for unrealistic expectations when the porn is right there and it’s incredibly easy to determine that “porn vagina” isn’t a thing?
Porn stars don’t routinely get labiaplasties, though. Nor do they all have “tiny and lipless” genitals. That’s not even a thing. It’s very common for performers to have larger labia, and their fleshlights tend to sell better.
I’m not the person you’re replying to, but there really just... weren’t any? He had exactly one specific complaint about racism that he’d heard second hand and turned out to be an entirely misunderstood conversation about color correction, according to multiple witnesses.
God I had such a crush on David Boreanaz and was so upset when I learned about that. He has worked consistently since Angel and at this rate seems likely to continue til he retires.
That elote seasoning is absolutely killer on popcorn. I also keep trying to put it in my cornbread but apparently never use enough — it seems like it should be a good flavor combo but I’ve never been able to taste it much.
Also weirdly the Howl’s Moving Castle is pretty bad?? I know people like it but I despise it. Probably more for the lost potential than anything else, as that collaboration should have been a slam dunk and it’s just pretty nonsense at best.
He’s pro-Nordic Model, which is decriminalization of workers but not clients and often includes a bunch of incredibly broad anti-pimping laws that effectively prevent sex workers from working together for safety while defining nearly every non-client in my life as my “pimp.”
I’m down with UBI and think it at the very least seems like a worthwhile experiment, although I’m admittedly not the most well-informed on it. I haven’t settled on a specific candidate yet but Dianna Morales is at the top of my list.
I was briefly #YangGang during the primaries, which is very embarrassing in retrospect. I was mad at Sanders and Warren over SESTA/FOSTA and he seemed like the only okay alternative.
Brussels used to be my favorite and I still think they’re fantastic but the raspberry apricot Veronas have replaced them in my heart.
Unhelpful husband with a fairly severe mental illness who constantly causes PR disasters she then has to deal with... yeah, I don’t think she’s being unreasonable to divorce that.
The police will also announce a “rescue operation” and then charge all the women they “rescued” with prostitution and publish their names and mugshots online! This is pretty standard procedure. The most high-profile example in recent history is the Robert Kraft case, in which the cops eventually admitted that they’d ne…
Early in the primaries I had a friend who liked her a lot so I did some research. At that point she sounded pretty okay on paper. Her anti-gay past gave me significant pause, but she’d thoroughly disavowed it and had the voting record to back that up so it didn’t seem like a massive dealbreaker.
I was a massive bookworm as a kid and I still hated most of my English class reading. For a while I convinced myself I “didn’t like classics” because I cared more about being entertained than teasing out symbolism.
That looks divine. Thank you!
My personal favorite way to eat butternut squash is to roast til tender and then mash it into some hot polenta along with as much butter and cheese as you can justify. It’s good as a side or a base — I usually top it with sausage and onions, but there are about a million things that would work. I’ve done something…
I like like 90% of it is that he was treated as some kind of male feminist icon for so long and very visibly embraced that role. The people who bought into it feel have always held him to a higher standard and feel personally betrayed. Then there’s a whole cohort of people who were already annoyed at him — lefties for…
My feeling is that he was totally perving on her, he definitely thought he was about to get (consensually) laid and likely perceived her to be in her early twenties. I think it’s a much bigger deal that they were able to get that close to him and put him in a potentially compromising position, given that he has a high…