
I despise bras and have pretty much come to accept that my nipples show a lot of the time. I barely even think about it anymore. I made the braless change a few years ago, but I can believe that someone with a lifetime of nipples so pointy they show through bras would be pretty inured to it. It’s not like you’re

No darling, that’s exactly what you said, you’re just too uneducated on the practical realities of how end demand policies endanger people in the sex industry to realize it, and you’re clearly more interested in your personal feels about how to educate the mens than you are in actually helping anyone in the sex

tl;dr: Prostitution is awful and terrible for the people in it, let’s make it way more dangerous than it already is so men learn a lesson about sexism!

You cannot criminalize clients without directly harming sex workers.

If the sex worker in question still has her penis, there’s literally no way in hell she would have even tried to trick him. After all, her trans status would become obvious sooner or later and then she’d be at high risk of violence/theft once he found out.

Okay, but if you ban prostitution or even just go after clients you’re not helping sex workers and you’re almost certainly making their situations worse. If they’re already doing it because they’re desperate then great, make it harder for them to make money, that will totally help.

I had a high school friend who had a ton of stories about overhearing her parents going at it. When she was in college her mother asked her how lesbians have sex. I know this story because my friend wasn’t sure and asked me.

I never got molested but I started masturbating super young. Most of the parents I know describe having to prevent their children from masturbating publicly in infancy. Widespread infant circumcision among non-Jews was started by the Victorians to prevent male babies from playing with themselves — circumcision is much

Look, I’m an actively kinky person and I avoid the kink scene for the very reasons you mention — I’ve never been seriously involved but I’ve encountered enough obnoxious people and heard enough gross stories that it’s kept me from getting involved further. I don’t think that means BDSM is intrinsically abusive and I

Most people only use safewords in situations where no doesn’t mean no because the people are role playing a nonconsent scene and want the sub to be able to fake-say no for the sake of the scene but also need the sub to be able to real-say no.

I had red hair for seven years and always used box dye, but goddamn I had to stay on top of dying it because that beautiful purply dark red color would turn straight up ORANGE if I left it too long. It was more of a problem than the roots, honestly. For a big chunk of that time I had a boyfriend who was great at dying

The universal “safe action” for that kind of thing is usually tapping the bed.

It’s easier to squeeze them.

This is why you talk about it extensively beforehand, and include a “safe action” if one of you can’t talk. You also maybe don’t start off with the hardcore breathplay.

I’m the opposite — LSD will make me have at least a minor panic and often turns into a terrible trip, but shrooms has never done that to me. Brain chemistry, I guess.

Her shoes are ace. I have a pair of shockingly comfortable platform heels from her line, and I’ve repurchased the same pair of flats from her something like five or six times.

I mean, you’re kinda proving the article’s point with this comparison — it’s normal and unremarkable for parents to have a drink or two with dinner and no one questions their fitness to take care of children.

I have a treasured childhood memory of me and my dad catching massive cicadas in an outdoor restaurant when I was very little. Found out as an adult he was stoned as hell at the time. Doesn’t make the memory any less special for either of us, and I’m glad I have it.

It still exists! It’s called Off The Menu and it’s at Thrillist, but it’s still C.A. Pinkham doing the exact same thing.

The same order of nuns who ran the Magdalene Laundries now runs an anti-prostitution organization called Ruhama, because clearly they are the exact people you want to entrust with helping sex-having women.