
Nope wrong again. There’s nothing in there where I’m blaming anyone. Try quoting the whole of what I said.

I’m sorry I can’t decipher your giant run-on sentence. I’d love to respond but I have no idea what I’d be responding to.

Oh give me a break. Let me remind you that most poor and minority women have not had the “privilege” of learning about feminism because they are living it already. Must be nice to see your husband/boyfriend off to work and then sit and sip coffee and bitch about how men don’t get it. Most poor and minority women don’t

You are dumber than a bucket of rocks and why don’t you put what I really said:

Furthermore, that’s the problem with people like you. You’re so stuck in your militant beliefs that anyone who questions you must be a troll. Really? Do you know what a troll is? It’s someone doing gas lighting for the fuck of it to rile people up. That’s not me. This came about because someone was trying to convince

I’m sorry, I tried to read that. But it’s too rambling and I have no idea what you’re trying to say. It’s too jumbled and wordy and I don’t think I can properly respond to such a mess.

Quote me blaming any victims. I’ll wait.

There are disagreements on what is and what isn’t feminism, huh? Really? SCUM didn’t have any influence did it? Nah. The only reason I said anything was because someone said if only the killer in this story had been introduced to feminism he would have written a letter to this girl instead of killing her. As if it’s

You’re really full of yourself. You act like your movement accepts everyone and it doesn’t. Then you get upset at me over shit someone else’s wife says, you tell me to leave, you tell me I don’t belong, and you wonder why people call you names? Hmmm...I just don’t know why people don’t embrace you and your beliefs.

Why in the world does that have anything to do with me? Why would you even pay attention to someone like that? That’s weird.

If I’m looking at it from it’s most simplistic way, as you claim, then what is so difficult about it? It’s really great that the women’s movement helped push women forward in terms of voting, driving and all the other things we may take for granted today. But don’t act like it’s some all accepting group when you and I

I know EXACTLY what the 3rd wave is. You’re not helping it one bit.

I don’t know if you’re a fat-man hating bitch. I have no idea and I don’t really care one way or the other. I don’t know anything about Scott Baio’s wife either. Jesus Christ.

I've been having a decent conversation. You're the one being rotten.

You don’t know what you're talking about and you're rude. I'm a girl.

I don't know if you are.

Nope, I'm a girl. Like I could ever be part of something you represent.

Oh you’re dismissing me? Oh I’m so hurt! I’m not against feminism, I just don’t like to identify with any political group that I can't completely agree with. If it means acting like you, then nope. Who do you think you are to treat anyone like the way you’ve treated me? You’re not practicing what you preach at all.

How difficult can it be? I’ve already said early feminism and I also said on paper feminism looks fine but the way it’s implemented is all about making men feel they are not wanted. Don’t believe me? You really need me to find documentation for that? You don’t think it’s true? Even you know it’s true.

Oh so sorry I had an opinion to give. So much for letting people be whatever they want, hub? Guess that's out the window didn't it?