
No, you’re having problems keeping up because you can’t keep your lies straight. Figures. You’re still a liar and a bigot.

It’s so obvious you’re embarrassed that you were exposed and now you can’t handle it. Don’t get mad at me because you’re a liar and a bigot, you brought that shit on yourself. Boo hoo, are you gonna cry about it?

You’re lying again, tsk, tsk. I played soccer growing up dummy. I don’t have a “persona”, that’s more of you lying. See what a liar you are? I’m myself on line and nothing else. Quit lying. You’re pathetic. Grasping at anything you can, go reread the thread, you being exposed is all there.

Keep clowning yourself. This is so easy.

Are you this fucking dumb. Oh of course you are, most liars and bigots are fundamentally stupid. Can’t stop lying can you? I’ve exposed you as a bigot and a liar all over this thread. Keep it up, you’re making as ass out of yourself.

You’re a liar and a bigot. No one expects anything from you.

You’re a liar and a bigot.

Who cares? She can say whatever she wants and if you don’t agree with her, don’t buy her music. I hardly think she’s using her fame as some way to promote her views. This is just more “gotcha” journalism designed to create controversy. Lame.

I was speaking as if I were the HS girl getting hurt. My siblings were in HS with me moron. Anyone with a brain would have picked up on that. You’re a liar and a bigot too.

Barf. Your opinion means nothing because it’s more lies. Who said anything about adults? Stop lying.

You’re nasty.

I have zero regard for what an obsessed bigot thinks of me. Your opinion and lies are gross and so are you, you still stink.

Again, I never said I could smell anything over the internet. You’re making things up in your head. You’re lying when you call me a man because I’m not, you’re lying when accusing me of Kesha/perjury because I never said that, you’re lying when calling me a rape apologist, shall I go on? You’re a psycho crazy loser

Why are you stalking me? Are you obsessed with me? You’re acting like a psycho. I don’t care how empty your life is, you’re pathetic.

I know, I know, that was a bit reactionary. I’ve played soccer since I was a little kid, and some of those girls can be vicious. One game my coach wanted me to play rover and stay on this big scary girl who played for the rival high school. I stuck to her like glue and she pushed me down quite a few times, but it was

Why are you stalking me? Crazy too? I bet you’re psycho.

FYI: LOL = I got caught

You have nothing interesting to say. Booooooooring. Where’s my quoted statement of smelling things over the internet? Where is it you fucking weirdo? Your breath smells like shit because people like you who lie spew shit, so you stink. You’re a bigot too. And I bet you’re not attractive either. No wonder you’re so

You still can’t quote me saying I smelled your nasty disgusting breath can you? No you can’t, and you’re still lying. Do you make people want to barf? How does it feel to be outed as a bigot? Why do you spew so much hate on the internet? You’re pathetic.

Sure. And that goalie would get her life lesson when my sister and 2 brothers drag her into the woods and beat the shit outta her. Who needs the authorities?