
Yes, that is exactly what will happen. We will turn into a desert. Parts of Arizona were not always desert. The more vegetation you remove, the less transpiration occurs. (Transpiration is when water evaporates specifically from plants. Think of it as plants “sweating” as the water molecules taken away take away heat,

Who showers using buckets? Gee, your parents sound lovely. Sitting outside complaining about their neighbors while they pump soap from their dishes into the ground. How self righteous can you be? Jesus Christ.

You sound poor, and uninformed. Many people are following the guidelines set for watering their lawns and are keeping them. Our water usage is down another 31% and that’s on top of SoCal already using the least amount of water in decades. Don’t believe the hype. This is just Gawker fueling the NY hate for LA. Jealous

The reasons for fatal accidents revolve mostly around distracted driving. But I did find this interesting article on a book written about driving and distraction. The author of the article had an interaction with the author of the book and spurred him to do some research. Look at what he found out about American

My 2000 LS400 has navigation and climate control. But even if it’s a newer feature, I’ve never heard of someone getting in an accident because they were trying to adjust the climate control. This article is a little misleading because overall, fatal accidents are down from where they were 10 years ago. Here’s a great

Women can multitask, men not so much.

Cars are safer than ever. I don’t think climate control and a radio are so bizarrely confusing, they’ve had those in cars for years.

The tech solutions are already here, people don’t use them.

No, this is the very reason this inspection book exists. It’s made for these types of situations. Who cares if the old man throws a fit? At least the mechanic can say he did his job. You can only cut corners for so long. Fo’ shizzle this ain’t the first time.

To try what? Calling someone out? Whatever you say.


So, every single day of your life all these terrible things are happening and then you go to the cops and they do the same thing? Every single day since you were born? And yet you have access to a computer? And you’ve never done anything about it? I don’t believe you.

I’m a woman and I don’t feel constantly harassed. I also don’t find that to be anywhere near what cops have to deal with everyday. I find your position that we all deal with the scum of the earth on the same level that cops do quite ridiculous and untrue. You may not like cops, but they see way worse parts of the

No, all of us do not deal with the scum of humanity. What does that even mean?

I live in SoCal too and the cops shot at 2 women delivering newspapers and one other guy while looking for Dorner. Stepping onto the freeway and stopping traffic is a violation. Standing in the middle of a city street is not peaceful assembly. The cops have given these protesters lots of leeway. I don’t know how much

Umm...let’s see off the top of my head Christopher Dorner killed a few uniformed police officers, remember him? I’m sure I could find many more examples of uniformed cops being shot at all over the country. You’re a criminal sympathizer and that’s a bad thing. Not everyone in jail is a victim.

Even the Chippendale’s sketch, Swayze, Farley, and Jan Hooks are all gone. RIP.

Yes. My parents’ families actually got out around the early 1900s and settled in Chicago. Quite small but significant country.

Ummm...last night when a friend of Browns’ opened fire on the police. He said he went to the protests and put a gun in his backpack.

Really? So when the protesters are screaming “Fuck the Police!” and the cops just stand there, that’s being respectful?