
he waited all night long. ALL NIGHT LONGGGGGGG. ALL NIIGGHHTTT

He was born for this!

Both are possibly the best actual customs I've seen. Entered both contests, hope I win the Xbox One as I already have a PS4, but I'll take that in a pinch too, just sell my current one.

Ugh... I had all those books when I was a kid. Dunno which one it was in, but there was a story about a woman who had spiders growing in her face, and then they burst out of a hole in her cheek or something... the drawing that went with it was nightmare fuel for most of my childhood.

Naturally the first thing to come to mind...

Whenever someone says "Half life 3" I just think "Duke Nukem forever"...

I thought it was EA that we were supposed to hate.

Dude get over it. Valve makes too much money from Steam to risk missing your overly lofty expectations of a third Half-life.

Hahahah, brilliant.

And then...

"Draw me like one of your Orlesian Qunari."

That player character must have the Iron Bottom perk or something, 'cause that bull guy is huge.

You know, that's the first time I've seen Bioware do a sex situation that wasnt all awkward polygons mashing on each other and some cheesy music playing at the same time.

Cassandra totally wanted in on that. You're not fooling anyone, Cassandra!

Well, the people tweeting weren't necessarily the same people who made the Amazon listings — they could've just be taking advantage of the situation, which IMO enters a greyer moral area. (The people who made the Amazon listings, on the other hand, are straight-up con artists.)

It's a lot better tonight. We jsut did 3 matches in a row, not too bad of a wait

Rimshot COMBO!

The gif isn't from the video. In case you couldn't tell from the different quest, the different character, and the 36 level difference.