Grrr. Argh.

A lot of people who saw the materials as children still seem to remember them years later, even if they avoided actually becoming immersed like the case with your wife. I'm really happy that she never got caught up in that, what a close call. I think it's very important that other Christians speak out against these

Never mind. You mentioned Quiverfull elsewhere.

Don't forget the chart that's basically a hierarchy with God on top, then husbands, then mothers, then children. It involves umbrellas for some reason and it's the patriarchy manifested.

I didn't notice that. Thanks for pointing it out. I love TGW so I wish I had caught it too. Welcome to the comments! Be careful out there. :-)

Thanks. Fixed.

I was thinking the same thing when I saw that thread. Likes for you all! I'm so easy.

I'm rarely on Facebook, but it's fairly easy to find me on there because my name isn't exactly common. I think Molly is still on the Hannibal beat, lucky duck. I don't know if I'm covering anything this summer yet, so we'll see.

Sure. My name is Alexa Planje and I've been covering Person Of Interest, which is over for the season, and Younger. I'm still somewhat active on the boards too. My Twitter handle is on my byline too, but you weren't on there last time I checked. :-(

I'd like to think that Schumer's room was throwing major shade at Scandal with all the jam talk, but that's probably asking too much.

So excited. You can always read my reviews. I'm a contributor now! Very devastated by the finale of Looking, man.

I am. Hey! I hope you enjoyed the Mad Men finale as much as I did.

Agreed. I think Carlos Valdes also knocked it out of the park. I knew that they cast him for a reason, but it took a while for him to really shine in the role and he sure does now.

Foster's delivery there was great, per usual.

I understand your points about white women getting so much attention in the media when crimes are committed against them but reducing it to just being a matter of virtue, instead of an incredibly brutal crime that does major psychological damage, isn't helping your argument in the least bit. You can make an effectual

An important friendship can be just as pivotal to a show as a sexual relationship—even more so sometimes.

Holy shit. You're amazing for speaking up. I wonder if anything else can be done about such a harmful work environment.

Hi Ice Cream! Congrats! That sounds like an interesting program.

Thanks for reading.

Thanks! Great points. That's what was missing for me— more exploration of what Samaritan's plan is and what it means. You're so right in that it has a lot of the ethical ramifications that we're used to on this show. I assume that the philosophical discussion is being saved for next season but I don't think that's

I guess it was just a Paley event then. It's awesome that you work there!