Grrr. Argh.

Yup. Thanks for your patience everyone! Samaritan's the worst. At least you guys are great at talking amongst yourselves.

Meanwhile, I've watched every Arrow and Orphan Black interview and panel on the internet because I have a problem. Well, I have several, but we'll start with this one.

If that means Raul Esparza singing, hell yes. Anyone who hasn't should check out his leading turn in Company, which is on Netflix Instant, when they have the chance. He's so good.

Whenever I think about murder, you're the first thing I think of.

Mine was the same but about Affro so we're both bad people.

Tatiana Masanly: Avatar of Acting is now my favorite thing ever. Thanks for that.

Well this is a depressing thread.

My condolences, Digi.

Aw. Have fun.

Good question. I think they could start readjusting around 7 or 8. But considering that at least Maurrisa's on Twitter, they have to be aware of the backlash. It would be impressive if they could save it based on feedback but that would be really hard and I'm not even sure the best writers could salvage it.

Goddard has a show that's debuting next year.

Hi day to day's 2nd account. Good luck getting banned again lunatic.

I have no problem with them making the same mistakes over again. But it's an issue when the show itself acts like mistakes weren't just made and brushes them off for what seems to be a sincere happy ending that isn't earned at all. That was the problem with the finale.

I agree that they could've done more with the Dark Avatar concept. Korra needs a nemesis that's formidable but more grounded than Vaatu. It would also be a good way to explore what being an Avatar means.

Yes. I like the idea of exploring who Korra is as a person and that helping her win in some way, by giving her the ability to outthink someone, for example, but it shouldn't give her innate power. That doesn't work practically or thematically. Being the Chosen One is like being born rich, it gives you an unfair

I like some origin but mostly thematic stuff like when the First Slayer was talking about what it means to be the Slayer when who you are is tied to death. That tact is meaningful but vague. But I don't necessarily like when every detail is spelled out like with the Buffy myth, especially because they never expounded

I can see that making sense but as it was with many of these major developments in the finale, all of which were competing with one another, what should have been a major reveal was too rushed to land.

Well it certainly wouldn't hurt.

Very few people, relatively speaking, use (click on) many of the features that regular users like having around, so they weren't a priority. That's not an excuse, just an explanation.

There's more positive feedback from casual users because since they do drive-by clicks, they don't notice the loss of functionality or organization. They're excited they now have pictures to click on instead of just words. But because individual user click numbers are important, they matter for the long-term viability