Grrr. Argh.

I do think relatability does have to do with one's evaluation of humor, as well as the industry's. But I wish people would look outside their comfort zones more often. Comedy that differs from my viewpoint can be great because it feels new and fresh, though I do think it can be on the comedian to help a general

Here's a question: if there were no black women qualified for SNL, which I doubt is true, would 1 hire made in the interests of diversity truly "hurt" the show given its cast size? I just think some of this defensiveness is over the top.

Judging by your comment, I can tell that I'm not going to sway you but I'll just use it as an excuse to vent. Historically, SNL has been a great influence on comedians. It's not as hot as it once was but it still holds influence. Some of us want to see variety in what we watch instead of the same old, same old. Since

What are you talking about? The AVC has indeed hired black women.

There's a far greater number of male comedians than female. I bet the ratio of funny to unfunny is pretty similar. Come on, there are a LOT of unfunny male comedians, many of whom we haven't heard of. For a reason.

Expensive also, I'd gather. Good point. Those schools have a lot to do with who makes it in the comedy world.

Thanks. It's a really interesting topic that's hard to talk about but should be. I actually got a lot of my points from a documentary on women in comedy that aired on HBO. Those were barriers to entry that they discussed themselves so I know they're issues.

Networks probably run by old white men greenlit Scandal and Sleepy Hollow, shows with black female leads. Yes, they are dramas but they are very successful.

Even if you're a moderate comedy nerd, you may not get exposed to particularly diverse comedy communities unless you seek it out. You very well may; I don't know.

It's an issue that's hard to address without generalizing but there are many factors that make the life of a comedian unappealing to many people, especially those who are women and minorities. These are historically disenfranchised groups in our country so the fact that the profession is financially risky is often a

Let me retract my statement. That one show she's on…what a waste.

Isn't she also on The View? What a waste.

"Hush" is perfect for Halloween as long as you don't mind potentially being spoiled for some later developments. The central plot is self-contained though. "Halloween" is actually an earlier ep that's also cited as a good starter but it's not as indicative of what Buffy was capable of. Glad you're willing to give the

No longer.

S1 is an intro to Buffy and in many ways is very different from the show it ends up being. I really think you should keep going because I think you'd be impressed by its ambition later on. Besides, it's pretty much considered an Imprtant Show, for lack of a better term. You should just go ahead and watched 1 of its

There is not. I've tried.